The Devil took a turn
Clocking on and the turnstile to the entrance to Earth the Devil was in for a busy night soul gathering.
What with all the murders infanticides regicide genocides rapes tortures random killings his ledger book was full.
All the seven deadly sins don't talk about the charts.
Behind him hordes of demons jittered and screeched waiting for release from Hell.
'BE SILENT!'. The Devil yelled.
Finally the turnstile lifted and the Devil strode forth with imps chattering screaming behind him.
Eternity was hard work but for the Devil it was all in a days pay of soul taking.
Dear Dad
Did you ever think all those names you called me growing up wouldn't affect me?.
You were meant to be my Dad protect me, encourage me.
Why did you do that? To make me strong? Or was it your own insecurities coming out over the way your Father treated you?
Did you ever truly love me? Or would you just say the words and not mean them? I love you.
Why Dad why?
Bass Strait
Three months on a jack up barge towed from Singapore in the choppy seas of Bass Strait.
To lay oil pipes to the ends of the earth Tasmania.
In the galley of the barge I worked twelve on twelve off, sleep, work, sleep. At night as the stinger at the stern beat out a metallic rhythm feeding pipe to the sea floor, I walked the yellow line up top as riggers went about their tasks.
Choppered in and choppered out I was a farm boy out on the briny sea.
Finally I was choppered to Essendon Airport to take a tram home after all that time.
Tram, taxi, and by foot I walked up the long driveway to my family triumphant at the job done.
Three months at sea and finally home.
There was a buzzing in the air like a trillion flies as I looked across vast red plains stretching into the distance and as I looked up there was no sky but a domed roof red also veined like the under carriage of some beast and circles of light were in this white light with it streaming in through and I turned to twisting city streets like in any city except old very old there were alcoves of darkness in them as demons sifted and bent all past me and around me as I was attacked and surrounded by them a few times and repelled them with some unknown force within a thing that looks like a woman but is not with black eyes all black eyes that sift and quiver in the socket approaches me and I follow like a lost child she it is leading to me a dark alcove down a laneway and whatever is in there is abhorrent and evil but still I follow them it shifts three angels stand near me in Hell they are dressed in suits of no colour that I have ever seen before and the tallest speaks to me...Stay with us we will protect you they won't come near us just looking forward as he talks while the other two say nothing I ask..She was evil wasn't she?..he replies Yes come with us and I walk with them feeling like I'm with family and mothers and fathers all at once I look across to a silver cross on the tall ones chest they are beautiful after the demons and then it is ended I have left that place and I wake.
I planted a seed and it grew its branches were quasar's galaxies planets star stuff..for what was an eon to me nothing but a par second I forged you I made you in the dark..and all your hate your rape your murder segregated you..I dealt in light..and so I watched you in interstellar you made a hell of your own making..for i have I given you but life and beauty the limitless future yours for the have given science a name and that is...the void between understanding and not say God..but you speak of children..oh what have you done what have you done..wrought such sorrow in the majesty..there are other suns other times other your eyes and see it.