too unholy for god
maybe there’s something
i’m still holding onto
that i shouldn’t
a piece of glass
biting into
the soft tender flesh
of the soles of my feet
maybe i’m restless
not due to lack of sleep
but because my body
is filled with explosives
and too much sun
brilliantly scorching
through my palms
and from out of my scars
radiating grief
maybe i’m broken
or too unholy for god
maybe i’m the only one
who asked the wrong questions
who left out the side door
who escaped
who ran off
do i really exist?
would it even matter if i did?
what if i was an ocean wave?
or the shard of glass
causing me pain?
what if i’m a bird
soaring through the air?
or the wind that lifts its wings
away from despair?
i don’t know what i believe
but i’m begging you
pray for me
pray for me
pray for me
because maybe your hands
are clean enough
for god to lean down
and start listening
i breathe deep to keep myself from screaming
it doesn’t work so
i press my face in between a pillow and squishmallow so the sound doesn’t have a chance of escaping my room
in and out
i close my eyes to block out
the imagery flooding my irises somehow
where am i?
at home
in your bed
safe and sound
but what about?
that doesn’t happen anymore
but of course-
of course i do
but we’ve cleaned the slate
we no longer keep track of the score
well then
how the fuck am i supposed to protect myself
if i’m not allowed to hold on to what happened before?
you and i both know that doesn’t happen
but what if-
you can’t live in the either/or
the in between of trust and horror
so just hold on to the simple joys
count the little things you have to be thankful for
forgive her
because what else can you do?
you won’t be strong enough to leave
at least for a little while more
Have I managed to accurately convey the ache inside of my chest?
How I almost didn’t believe you the moment you said you were escaping west?
And how you told me I could take the train with you across those shallow plains
But I wish I hadn’t kissed you
Cos you know I’m trapped on the coast of Maine
And every memory I have of you is just a fleeting pain
I want you to miss me
But I haven’t heard from you since May
Are you happy out there, all alone, without me?
Were you running away from something, maybe me and my accusing gaze?
Or towards a life you knew I would never praise?
When I think of you all I feel is a pang deep within my jaw
An ache inside of my chest
At night I try to rest
But the ghost of your soft silhouette
Keeps me up long after the sun sets
My heart is like a raw exposed nerve
Agonizingly burning to the touch
Like someone held an electrified wire to my ribs
To be honest, this torture is just too much
Sometimes, I wish I could forget you
I wish your absence didn’t make me bleed
But I’m happy that I knew you
I don’t think I would change a single thing
Please. Stay.
I ache for the touch of your skin on my skin
The gentle pressing of your palms upon my breasts
Please kiss me softly, hold back but never to taunt me, just to let me rest before you begin once again
Take me to the beach at sunset and toss me down onto the shore
Tug your fingers through my hair and bite my lips once more
I need a little connection, to feel the beat of your heart against mine
I’m starving, darling
I need you like water, like a wanderer needs a river on a summer night
Because I’ve been lost for years in a lonely desert, with nothing to fasten me to life
Tell me, dear, would you taste the salt on my tongue?
Would you dig your fingernails into my shoulder or the flesh in between my ribs and collarbone?
Would you hold me so I don’t sink into the dirt?
So I don’t float away, untethered from Earth?
Please. Stay.
Take your hand in mine and trace the curve of my arm, the crook of my elbow, the fragile skin between my forefinger and thumb
Wait with me for sunrise to arrive
peaceful and sweet and clean and new
dear logan,
they told me
tastes sweet
for a moment
but as time
casts its long shadow
creating the past
it turns bitter
as it rots in your mouth
my mother said
the beauty won't last
but somehow
our sin
grows sweeter and sweeter
as i fall more in love with you
i no longer believe her
your soft skin against mine
feels more divine
than any worship service i've been too
than any prayer
any verse from the word
the book whose wise words sound absurd
now that i know you
but i get distracted by their words
because you
like to talk with the tv on
but i
can never understand you
through all of the noise
and i just
wish i could hear your voice
without all of the
overlapping words
that are thrown at me
from people
who can never understand
how much it hurts
to be told
your existence is a crime
they said
it wasn't
what god had planned
but i've found a love
that's so much better
than the one
presented to me
when i was three years old
they said
you'll go to hell
if you don't believe
well that doesn't sound
like love to me
i know
the bible says
you can't find joy
or hope or peace
or a million other things
without god's love
but when i'm with you
i feel more alive
than i ever have before
is this what you meant when you said “wait ten years to show me the love letters so i can watch you cringe because it’s so fucking sappy”?
late last night
around ten o’clock
i was suddenly gripped
by an overwhelming feeling
an overwhelming wonder
at the beauty of life
it’s too hard to explain right now
i still don’t have the words
but i remember seeing it
in your espresso eyes
in the way you held me tight
and told me i was beautiful
how in that fragile moment
i felt right for the first time
i remember the way you smiled at me
while we cuddled on your bed
there was barely enough room for us
as your hand caressed my head
i remember you looked so serene
your hair falling on your face
i wondered what it was that made you
extend your sweet embrace
i remember waking up
in the middle of the night
seeing your eyes closed
your gentle face
right next to mine
my love letters
my love letters
are merely relics of a past hope
no longer alive
my love letters
are mere kindling for the burning alter
where i must die again and again
my frame bleeding out for
the forgiveness of sins
my love letters
are no longer sweet
they sting with the bitterness of regret
and emptiness
my love letters
are now just a mistake
merely a confession of my sins
my crimes
my love letters
are just words
desperately written
when i forgot who i was
for one unholy moment
my love letters
must be forgotten
buried and hidden away
so i cannot be tempted
by the memory of her name
my love letters
are just letters now
scrawled out in a moment
of crazed indignity
just shadows
just dust