Dark Star
Like an event, it’s on the horizon
The closer you get, the harder it binds you
So blinding its draw, all light is lost
The darkness extracting so great a cost
A warning to victims of its allure
It’ll devour all you hold dear
Consuming all that matters, as a matter of fact
Nothing is spared by the endless black.
The End of Tomorrow
Nearsighted pursuit of things which dilute
The pain, memories, shame
Leaving you only more destitute
Living as fast as you can
No one can catch the medicated man
One day, two days, three days, four
Until you realize there are no more
Swallowed up by the crashing waves of sorrow
One last gasp, the end of tomorrow.
Practice Makes Perfect
But if that’s true,
What have you been up to?
That smile, the way you bat those lashes and wink...
Or that mischievous laugh, revealing your love of humor in humanity...
Yeah, I guess you could practice that...
But even if that’s true,
What about the way you move?
So fluid, even the ocean swoons...
Not even the wind could turn more heads, nor the waning sun cause more blushes, than your movement among the masses...
But yeah, I guess you could practice that...
But how does one practice being warm in a world so cold?
Did you really practice that glow?
Tell me true, my dear...
Was it practice that brought you here?
Poetry is..., and Picasso!
More than a story which rhymes,
More than feelings that rhyme,
More than rhymes.
Poetry is an abstract expression of a “thing.”* Much like a painting by Picasso which shows “something,” yet not quite anything particular, that is, nothing particular universally. But, the abstractness of the art allows each person who encounters it to have their own particular experience.
The art at once is nothing and everything.
Poetry is very much the same. There are no refined lines required, and clear concepts are far less useful. However, Picasso did not just throw globs of paint onto the canvass as he felt. If you have seen, there is a semblance to some-thing which is “real.” Poetry is also very effective when it can capture some-thing ordinary in an extraordinary way. Prodding and prompting its observers to think deeper, differently.
For poetry to be really effective,
It must ring a tune or two,
as Picasso’s paintings do,
But if you please,
Allow your observers to sing the melody.
Future’s End
Here today, yesterday is no more
Time will always even the score
By consuming fire, the past is burned
Never again to return
In ash the future holds, the fertile soil
Of those who’ve survived the toil
To be burned down
Reduced to ashes
A silver lining
As the past passes
Pain passes
Also reduced to ashes
Here today, tomorrow is no more
Future evens the score
By consuming fire, the future formed
Until burned once more
When fertile soil, depleted once again
Brings about future’s end
Our Little Secret...
You know what i mean...
That one thing
The one you need,
Don’t worry baby...
Our secret is safe with me
I won’t tell my friends,
About the things we do...
The way you move
The things you like,
Those thing are just for me...
Our little secret
The one only we share,
Without a care.