black and white landscape photos
sipping coffee too loud
branding; paying top dollar to have a stranger's name on everything you own
band t-shirts as fashion
"i love that for you"
chasing trends
posting ai writing
lamentation of lack of freedom in America
snideness, racism, low brow humor, and designer thermoses
rude comments on people's natural appearances
"i love you to the moon and back"
intrusive to the brain and devoid of real
clicking nails on everything
bleached hair
not tipping
"i feel like we have known one another forever"
rage bait
use of cursing as handlebars
little plastic bands tightly on the neck
forcing campy into tacky
my personality
weeds pulled and the dirt fed
i let the clover grow
and the vine it crushes the overlap
where the brush meets things man-made
the end of the green meets the beginning of blue
or brown
or dark of night
so, i let the clover grow
i let the clover grow, and the field does not suffer for it
the grass does not pay a price
and the sun shines down with plenty --
where i let the clover grow
musk of life
the winding spiral of nicotine tasted remarkable
until the next morning when i swore it off forever
the smell of beer on his lips was intoxicating
though i have never really enjoyed any strong drink
the warmth of the burn felt like all time was standing still
only hours later i would hate the textiles it touched for their coldness
i swam in ponds of water so soft and fertile i felt refreshed by them
only later to not be able to scrub hard enough to remove it from my skin
i loved
and yet i hate that i did
in my youth i preferred walking the dirt roads barefoot
i would break up with this desire the second i slipped into new socks
the relationship continues this way
never a child
forever childlike
i spin in circles of cruel and etherial unsustainable joy
a power source with no energy
i drink from the stone cup of my fathers
honey, that drinks like silk, and poisons me
deep breaths find me in all emotional voids and fill me
and also at summits of the best moments in life- to remind me
i am
and nothing is more powerful than turbulent contradictions
grounded to contrition
anchored in blood
drowning in air when water sets me free
i will die
i am
at any opportunity
the first death
when kindness dies- it is never sudden
it may feel like it
when you realize it is absent in a way where you are startled when it comes around
saying goodbye to the dog you've shared your life with for a quarter of your own
that lonely is missing the kindness true agape love brings
kindness dies slowly a bit at a time
as your phone rings less
the mail stops coming
when your children out grow you
each funeral a specific warmth leaves you
and as time goes on the distance between goodbye and cold nostalgia rips apart
youth divides and goes on in a different universe
new experiences become less interesting
with each decade you will lose something about yourself that you once cherished
you will not know it is gone, until it is
the things you saved along the way- those thing that reminded you of kindnesses
go into storage to be someone else's keepsake or trash
if you throw yourself into work, when you slow down
and you will have to
the anxiety of 'still' will become painful
if you throw yourself into religion you'll rebuke fake and false so often you stop interacting
knowing the difference between kind and friendly will separate you
if you bow before God
when kindness dies
you will exist in contrition, and a joy literally based in the promises of death
if you struggle to make your dreams come true
rather than live and be happy along the way
your bitterness in failure will haunt you and you will become somehow feral
escaping domestication is only for youth and should have a time limit
but so long as there is kindness you will push back your time limits and deadlines
and in those cases it catches up to you and kills you faster from within
you will attempt to offer kindness or make it
but the world changes and redefines emotion so often it will be futile
your plans will die
someone will do your life goals better than you
if you are lucky- you will remain void of depression in trade for hope
but if the kindness in your life dies off
hope starves
bitterness gets some people by- but in the times they are without distraction from self
they are the most miserable liars on earth
unable to even recognize kindness
and that is the first death
to survive it
plant seeds, make something better, do- give
even if you have to watch them from afar
or know you have provided an opportunity for something you loved to be rich in kindness
impoverish yourself of anything that could be something somewhere else
when kindness dies out, accept it for sanity
and in an effort to be kind
lie behind smiles
smile around lies
and encourage opportunities
even when you don't care for them not to be your own
every project in my house i finish
every room that comes out perfect
every detail big as the roof, small as the perfect night light
every check on the list
one step closer to done.
every morning i wake early
every letter of the book i digest
every chain reference reaching into my own life
every check on the list
one step closer to done.
every day i get through it
every moment i keep myself in
every opportunity i give to others from my own
every check on the list
one step closer to done.
every kindness i offer
every love i freely give
every time i step away from myself
every check on the list
one step closer to done.
always but not all ways 17
he loved her as she was
and she was
she fell in love with him at the first
as she was
in that moment he was her whole world
and she was
and time stops
and she does
and anything she can make perfect outside of failing love
she does
creating is easier
than failing
which she does
and never does time stop long enough for her to right things
just because
and she listened to small voices for what to do
and she does
the whole world just 'fixing'
all she does
and then hope died
as it sometimes does
and like locked in syndrome of emotion
she was
and he was gone
but she was
and time still went on
and she does
so after a short more moment of life
she decided
just because ...
to reach out
with untied shoe laces
looking down at them
as if she was
just to trade it all
to get back to
what was