Challenge of the Week CCXXX
The Flash Fiction Challenge:
Write a complete story in 500 words or less, focusing on a single, powerful moment.
Our editing staff will determine the winner and finalists (judged by quality of writing and interest in content) - who will enjoy the glory of being featured on our Spotlight feed and world-famous, 200,000+ reader newsletter.
The Halloween Legend of JACK McCARVER
A small town in Idaho, on the outskirts, lives an...artist...of sorts, and meets a reporter who gets more than he bargained for, and the end might come, or will it? MUAH HAHAHAHAHA!!!! From the mind of one of our talents, comes this irresistible Halloween romp. Here's the link to the narration of said romp on Prose. Radio, narrated by Jeff Stewart, who is whereabouts unkown in the States, in a room where he was able to send in the audio of this story by our own WilkinsonRiling.
Also, he asked us to mention this: Another talent here on the site, has a book set for release on 11/22, so go here and pre-order your copy, and give this Appalachian poet some love. He's fantastic!
Piece feaured in the video:
To keep the tradition in closing traditional:
As always...
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose, team
Of jagged teeth, concubine of catastrophe, mark of midnight, and rivers of honey.
Four writers were approaching, and the wind began to howl...except replace wind with bloodletting of words, and ink into veins from these authors blessed and crazed with no other way to let it out, than to put it across a screen, and into our hearts with only pure aim.
Here's the link to the show:
And here are the pieces featured.
https://www.theprose.com/post/828745/king-of-california https://www.theprose.com/post/828053/the-drug-in-me-is-you https://www.theprose.com/post/828235/mile-run https://www.theprose.com/post/828263/the-only-shore
As always.
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
Breadcrumbs of Consciousness
Mavia sends in another great narration from the author, Todd Beller, who just happens to be among the pantheon of talent here in the halls of Prose. Grab some coffee, lean back, or put it in drive and listen to the words while Sunday moves around you like water around a stone.
Here's the link to her beautiful read.
And here's the featured piece.
As always...
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. Team
Smile of Bukowski, Black Sky, The Art of Love, and Ruins of Man.
Seven writers come down with fire to make this one of our favorite episodes in the channel's history. Ranging from new blood to legends, these pieces put our 60th episode out into the world with a grip of steel and blue-lava beauty, mixes of orange, and a touch of evil to keep the thread floating upon the wind, seeable, but unreachable to remove.
Here's the link to the show.
And here are the pieces featured.
https://www.theprose.com/post/826733/i-know-why-bukowski-smiled https://www.theprose.com/post/826842/the-double-headed-scepter-of-doubt https://www.theprose.com/post/826569/tot
https://www.theprose.com/post/826584/the-art-of-love https://www.theprose.com/post/826617 https://www.theprose.com/post/826436/and-i-am-vapor
https://www.theprose.com/post/826316/black-sky https://www.theprose.com/post/827138/swallows https://www.theprose.com/post/827447/in-due-time
As always.
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
Prose. $500 Accumulative Challenge, Entry Feature: Cursing the Selfishness of Squirrels...
From an author brand new to the site, comes a chapter in our Challenge to brutalize and warm and brutalize the heart. Told from a merciless and seasoned eye in the storm of despair and destitution, to the inevitable release of death, and love, in afterthought, this is a piece of writing that brings us back to what the elements taught us. Take a drive, a walk, hell, clean the damn house, but while doing any of those, listen to the words of this new blood.
To read this entry and see more as they crop up, and, better yet, to enter your work, just click right here: https://www.theprose.com/challenge/14633
Here's the link to the episode on Prose. Radio.
As always.
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
Fast Slip, A Memory, An Egg, and Philosophical Water. - Prose. Radio’s Number 59 read by Mavia.
Mavia came through yet again with another beautiful narration for number 59. All new blood, and their words read with her signature sound.
Here's the link to the show.
And here are the pieces featured.
https://www.theprose.com/post/824998/slipfasting https://www.theprose.com/post/826536/philosophical-water https://www.theprose.com/post/824430/a-void-dance
https://www.theprose.com/post/825575/memories https://www.theprose.com/post/825393/egg
As always...
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
Prose. $500 Accumulative Challenge, Entry Feature: Specifications- Species-Human
This entry comes in the from the dark and often beautiful place known as the mind and heart of one of our legends, with a short and gripping chapter to stand statuesque in the halls of our Emerald Author Challenge. Told with shamelessly naked abandon, it climbs to shine upon the world of words Prose. has become known for as home to many of our living greats. To read this entry and see more as they crop up, and, better yet, to enter your work, just click right here:
And here's the link to the show:
As always...
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
Madness of the Trees, Dive Bar Love, a Couple of Shards, and a Release of Energy.
Four writers were approaching, and the wind began to howl... all around and through episode 58, where they bellied up to the bar, each throwing down their own style, their flavors for your tongues and ears. Absolutely love this episode. Mariah finishes what Dionysian66 starts, with two newer bloods in middle, to bring 58 into full bloom, time lapse style.
Here's the link to the show.
And here are the pieces featured.
https://www.theprose.com/post/825721/madness-stalks-the-forest-of-your-mind https://www.theprose.com/post/825162/a-beautiful-chaos https://www.theprose.com/post/825117/mumbles-of-a-dissociated-self https://www.theprose.com/post/825004/joules-anomaly
As always...
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
Prose. $500 Accumulative Challenge, Entry Feature: Bendable Yet Unbreakable.
This entry in our Challenge comes in the from the streets of Brooklyn, and into the life of something easily bent, but beautifully brazen and open to life. To read this entry and see more as they crop up, and, better yet, to enter your work, just click right here: https://www.theprose.com/challenge/14633
And here's the link to the feature on Prose. Radio.
As always...
Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team