Manic of habitual madness
Up & down a staircase treaded by
Unaware treacheress actions, countless distractions
wrap in endless deliciousness
Many Points of confusion cruising unintentional avenues your so use too
No one to confined in, empty feeling
Driving you to fell like your winning
Above all complexity I'm a recipe to such acute tendency's I express with vast difficulty to desolate entities that reside inside my maze of tranquility
Is it you or me , I'm free to be seen but why when I came dream with even bigger equity's that are just as Envy's of ones most loved enemies
#manic #bipolar #mental #confession
I’ve hurt to hurt you
I've hurt everyone in my life
Is that wrong or is that right
AM I the Dark or
AM I the light
Have I fought the good fight or
just continue to not take care of mine
Do I provide even when I don't shine
Had me losing my mind
Been a burden or
is it something worth learning
& Placing behind
Is this really for me or
Is this for you to find
4 those I've hurt
I'm sorry for this
I question did I hurt you
Or did you have to learn this for yourself
Everyone is wanting to go to heaven
So afraid to go to hell
Most people are boring to me with no story to tell
I have found something to fight for
It's fighting for myself
#hurt #reflect #apologies
Angelic Sacrifice
It only takes one too set it right
The fall of many were from one bite
The sight given is to one of the same
An angel who lost or earned his wings
The fallen amongst us is easily judged
cause the people are easily swade
The brave come forth from darkness not to start this war of desolation but to dedicate their time to the inner mysterious vision
Set forth upon those locked away in the abyss of our imagined prisons.
Truths to the youths have been hidden in fact they been intact to deceit half given , placed many in position to not fulfill their eternal sentence, in heaven but hell where we look upon the destruction decaying amongst us humans , how has this land become so dark and people have no heart, well the land you walk upon is the land of condemnation, self inflicted , it only takes one to tell the truth to lift the angels and humans to higher highets then their use to.. it's been so long in silence and dismay, so long the generation have gone astray thee only way up is to descend into such territory's to uplift the failed man, only a angel may do so, for he has the gift of vision and flight , let that angel bask in darkness and light only on the Accord the people accept him. If they reject they all suffer, to those who hold they hold their hand out in compete desperation then is forgiveness given awaking is witnessed.
Trust thyself my son, before one sees the light one must go to the depths where their is no sight and giveth sight
One must go to where love is purged through pain, one must walk the path of least fellows, one must walk in faith its then you will bring humanity and the angels back in accorded with the source. For none I want to go astray I'm as patience a the one who never forgets the promises I gave. It's here with you today as the beginning, it only takes one to uphold the truth you youth lost along the way
#itslit #angels #proschallenge
Companion of Mine
she wears souls like one wears a heart on there sleve
broken souls that are taken by maken promises that bound them to ever leave
each promise never fullfilled, each broken heart kept to mend a feeling
she can never fell, all the power and essence of these souls she keeps trapped in a bag
to use at her discrisction, tempt her with love but pull back , your in for a infectious
if i told you what i seen you wouldnt believe
in a bag, she keeps hidden neatly packed, stacked upon each other
that when she pulls them out they spread about, each peice
a severad head, bound by a sphere cimetracal lease
not sure if they are living or dead, i know what i saw
a disasambled beheaded head, in the rolledex she seeks as she goes to reach
sifilying through her mutitude of captives, each lost soul is said to be her hidden weapon
she rolls through her bag of souls as if she is seeking a tool or weapon to unleash,
become laid out stacked as a 3rd dimensional realm of many masks
i see lighting strick in the distance and alone with them in the night she parttakes in chats and a develish dance, well advance sorcery or some form of witchcraft
not feeding or missleading her by my own energy, she faulters into her own trap
back to back my mirror is either reflecting all she is and has
creating a inner prison of prisms trapping or bounce back the attacks
then in a instance i painted the mirror blacker than any blackness she still lacks
mirror starts to crack
no matter how many souls take a toul on the desereted road,
no one will fullfill the emptyness in your deep abyss soul
afraid to lose or lose control , you learned the black arts to abuse and rule over
to misslead and feed to hunt and take over, any you wish to devour
9 times 9 lives to c the light
What is with these ill rhymes
We speak of to bring the light
We fight for sight
For death is night
Black not white
Im not ever trapped
just back To get mine
I shine through diamond eyes
I've died a thousand times
I've learned from being burned
To Never say never
Cause Im not in debt to severe
One for their beliefs
For Im lead with my right to see
At the end of the day
All I got is me
Reminding myself gently
All is alright
For within me
I have found the key
Forever alive
This I know & believe
St. Michael Ravens
It’s your Tune: Sing Along
Place ourselves beyond human aid
no band-aid will make me less human today
we have a wound which holds no cure
but a vision which opens the door
no more wars
no wondering why we are here
to lessen our inner fears
it's been easier to look myself in the mirror
my inner self is becoming easier to clear
for I let go & Let God
by releasing all my heavy tears
release emotions of all were holding
which keeps us from knowing, growing
owning up to our show
we think we holding
so afraid to lose control
not knowing were losing our soul
Hold on, its a long journey
We are well on our way
Where will we go?
Nobody knows but the Lord
Let Go & Let God
Trust you will find yourself home
before you do
you will find your gone
You're not too far
from reaching the dawn
beyond all the right & wrongs
It's your tune, Just Sing Along
All we ever need!
The time we have is so precious
So fragile,so much we battle
As we travel out our shadows
Out our past,out these wicked lands,
Where demons play & many become past
I’m sorry I went away,
I’m sorry the way it all played, but
Rest assure on the word
Which is by letting go of all that was or is at this very moment,
We rest in eternal bliss, how we miss,
Our forever gentle kiss, forever you I do miss
My wish is as good as yours
Is to vacate this dark tour
Onto something more
Thu that door, to heavens we soar,
Where we once all were, before falling so hard
Rest assured is the word; have you heard?
For those who can’t leave behind what is behind,
Are not fit for the kingdom ahead,
Where the light is headed
Let the dead bury the dead for
It’s been said all who walk in love, walk not in fear, he will always be near,
Where God is,as he steers, where we all shall live
Our essence,at this present, our present for our truth, our proof
Its beings like me & you, yes its true,
If we only for-surely knew & took what we knew
To finally out due, who?
We grew into something or someone else
The transformation has begun,
We all are making our way toward the sun
No more on the run, it’s that door of our inner war,
Once we walk through because we want more
Ties will undue, binds will be loosed
Its people like me & you
God comes for, God is behind that door
Let God in,or shall I say come on it, is what ill pray
& we will forever soar, it’s never too late.
Theirs is no darkness in light, no struggling no more fights
Right where we are supposed to be
After the dark storm, we are totally free
Once we let go of all we believed
we need.
Never to Late
It's never too late
To turn it all around
Just one more day
For the ones who may be ready
to give it all up now
If anything
give up the lifestyle before ur life
Things will turn around
I know it's been hard but just try to smile
Think about how grace or those other times
You could of been counted out
But there's a plan
You just haven't yet figured out
But God has sent time and time again
An angel ,a sound, another angle
Another round to loosen the things that bound
The things that strangle you.
When your lost it's when ur found
Then its hoped u find a little more truth about urself
Hold on it's these things that build
and strengthen the inner you
.choose to live and
I promise you will find your inner truth
On how theirs a special place
that only you came and can do.
So before your through
Choose to do
the unbelievable
Choose to live
Choose to be you
That's what ur hear to give.
Give yourself away selflessly not selfishly.
Choose to live
One more day
I promise you'll
find your way
If you seek tomorrow
Like you do today
Will you stay?
Choose to live?
Another day?
Thank you for being a friend
May I ask you?
Who am I without me?
Who are you with me
Who will we be
when we choose to be seen?
What do we see
When we dream
If this is a dream
Who 1st dared to dream
Since we're dreaming
Can we remember
Where we were before
Why did we search for something more
Did we lack love at our core
Did we not get what we needed
So we grew wings to soar
Did we hear of the story
When a reaper meets a sower
Reaping in the end
New life or finding the last door
whatever the answer may be
Judgment is who is calling me
is Judgment God or me
So who do you owe respects to
Who do you write the check to
Who do you see when judgement comes
and you no longer have it in you
to continue to run
who makes this life we choose
I hear love from the only son: say
We love the father
For he loved his only son
Sacrificing him upon the cross
To awaken himself
Like we are to do
Let his will be done
Message from the father
to the son
without you
there be no me
without death
I wouldnt not see
it's me who holds the key
to everlasting immortality
May we sing the new song
only those who death did not meet song
singing death has been conquered
and we have won,
praise the Father forever and ever
for his light shines and endure forever
cause you sent your only son
to earth in hopes he love you back to show you
our worth
Truth doesn’t fall far from the tree
Your truths are useless tools
to keep you ruled
they rule you
what to do when they fooled you
you walk talk as if these truths sooth you
but if so
why has it hidden you from all those around you
I found the truths where only glue
to bound you to anyone who stuck around you
eventually, your truths I found bound you
to truths, I found hound you
You can tell a lot about someone by the fruits they produce
why is it I so long believed in all your truth only to find everything
within me became unglued
I'm the branch now cut from the tree
the tree that produced no fruit
I realised this as I was falling to the ground
all the lies the limbs we climbed were being cut down
one at a time, oh the nasty sounds
oh how I figured what kept me bound to hang around
those who were barely hanging on,
a tree I thought was the life of me
until I fell to dwell on the ground
looking up, from hell I could tell your truths aren't so swell
they keep you head to toe
nailed to the truth that keeps you and everyone else from ever telling themselves
what it is you were too afraid to face
you eventually fell victim to the fall
the fall of the branches fell to hell
fall with me I said so you can see
I feel to hell listening to your truths which only fell on broken youth
who could tell the difference between wise men and fools
well the spell had been undone
I fell to be un-won
to tell of how your truths
will not lead you to the one
they fell to second best, headed
to the empty nest
you seem to want to invest
only finding yourself next
to nothingness
let it die to be something more
let your branch drop from the tree that produces no more
and find yourself blossoming into a new you at a new dawn
a new who
a new birth reborn