Tired but unable to sleep
The insomniac walks slowly
Dragging their heels
Waiting for night to end
Or begin
Because time moves differently
When everyone else is dreaming.
The weary traveler sits
Hoping slumber will take over
Yet when it does
They snap back to reality
To another waking nightmare
A labyrinth of their own making;
It's all they've ever known
Stuck in limbo
Crawling below the bar
Heavy appendages drag them down
Into a pit
of feathers and grace
As the insomniac realizes
They were always asleep
Harry Situations
Sometime I don't know what I'm doing.
Speaking truth like Harry Truman.
Who Freed Jews like Randy Newman.
Did he know what he was doing?
Looking past horizons still looming.
Into wars we're still dooming,
Past Korea who's grooming
An arsenal,
But what are we gonna do man?
Self determination; that's approving
States rights and their view man.
We can't push to be the through man;
Policing worlds and assuming;
Trading lives for consuming;
Double definition to booming;
Bombing evil: that's improving
Our situation, but is that true man?
In the name of forward progress, moving.
Rewind like Tom Petty's groving.
Pausing as if we can; resuming.
But what's the life of a crew man?
Soldier stop only when they're tomb-ing
Another loss, boo-hoo man.
That's the price of being human.
Capital grinds the unassuming
Catching leprechauns and shoemen
Wishing for magic but you're shrooming
What the fuck are we even doing?
I guess that was up to Harry Truman...
... but really, it's up to you man
Buds (part 1)
My best friend is a plant.
They're a spider too.
Did you know they could flower?
Now I do too.
They're a little cutie:
Half veriegated and half solid green
With plenty of off-shoots
We make a good team.
My spider grows little,
But grows every day.
They're a good listener
When I have nothing to say.
They bring up good points
To help me see the flaws
When I complain about
Unjust human laws.
I feel balance and peace,
While putting my two cents
On the days' toil and trouble
Of current events.
Spider's heard of Hamas
And mass genocide.
Yet they gave me a smile
When I should have cried.
With so much death and destruction,
With struggle and strife,
My spider brings me back
To the meaning of life.
They talk about growth,
And off shoots and decay.
I see a flower bloom;
They reassure me: it's Ok
My best friend's a plant.
They're a spider too.
They see through the horror,
Now I do too.
Ok Alright
It's ok...
It'll be... alright.
Flicker out, fading light
Dawn approaching; dying night
Apparitions here; deathly sight
Soldiers gone; pale as white
Nazi games; Jewish plight
Fuck around; firefight
Red hot flame; hose delight
Dancing dames; fuck on-sight
Vietnam; nations' fright
Took too long; apolog-ite
I'm sorry; that's just not right
Absurdist dreams; reality bites
Comedy's dead; still, keep it light...
It's ok; It'll be... alright
Patchwork: Mirroring
Mirror mirror
On the wall:
Who am I
Most of all?
Reflection gazed
Right back at me:
Who can I
Really be?
First shown Max
My soul was split:
How did the mirror
See that bit?
He was a friend
A buddy, a pal.
He had high spirits;
A keen morale.
Then was Kristen:
A funny girl.
She was a dancer;
Taught me to twirl.
When I saw Danny,
My heart was torn.
He reminded me
Of his mom reborn.
Emma brought
Her smiling face;
Her quiet grace.
Then, Matt and Jane,
And, Evan and Quinn.
I don't know where
They end and I begin.
Mirror mirror
On the wall:
Who am I?
I am them all.