Chapter 31: Entering Draklis
I still don’t know how I feel about leaving my dad alone…
“He’ll be fine, Gareth,” Olban said. “Well, he’s bound to get his ass kicked by Coban, but other than that, no need to worry. We can leave him alone for a day or two while we scout the area.”
I know, I know… It’s just… I just got him back, y’know? I don’t want…
Gareth didn’t need to finish his sentence. Olban and Eloise could tell what he was trying to say. Communication had gotten easier since they were blessed by the Fae, if it could be called a blessing. Eloise no longer needed to translate; instead, the three of them could communicate internally as much as they needed to.
Olban is right, Gareth. Brian will be fine. He’s got a village full of warriors to back him up.
“Well, full of warriors might be an exaggeration.”
Eloise wondered if she could materialize just to give Olban a death stare.
Not helpful.
“Ah. Right,” Olban said, seemingly unfazed. “Well, like I said, he’ll be fine. We’re the ones going out to see the status of the Nameless One’s newly untethered minions. If anything, you should be more worried about us.”
At his words, someone on the path turned to him with a look that was equal parts confusion and disgust.
Uh, Olban? Might want to keep your voice down.
Olban looked around and seemed to notice for the first time that the path was far from deserted, and the people on it seemed less than hospitable.
“That’s odd…” he said. “We haven’t gone far from Little Dafford. Usually people aren’t this…”
Judgy? Eloise supplied.
“Well, yes, but… Let me put it this way. In all my time here, I’ve never seen someone look down on me for talking to myself. I know in your worlds, there is a certain… stigma, but here? Not so much. No, there must be some other reason… but why would they be so…”
Olban silenced himself, evidently lost in thought, so deeply that even Eloise and Gareth couldn’t hear.
Maybe we’re walking in the wrong direction, Eloise said. She’d noticed that, although the street was busy, every single person was headed out, not in.
Olban stopped for a moment. One woman made an arch around him as she continued on her way, like she was worried she’d catch some kind of disease.
He shrugged.
“Eh, probably nothing.” But his voice shook as he spoke.
He was turning to continue on his way when a hand clasped his shoulder. Olban spun on his heels, instinctively assuming a defensive stance.
The person who’d placed a hand on his shoulder didn’t seem threatened.
“Relax, lad. I am no enemy. Merely wondering why you’re wandering this path. What brings you to this part of town? I know you’re not locals.” Their voice was deep and gruff.
Olban was silent for a moment, considering.
“We’re… just passing through.”
“Hmph. Well, take it from me, you might want to ‘pass through’ somewhere else. Draklis Eorldom is rather… tumultuous at the moment.”
“‘Tumultuous?’ Tumultuous how?”
“Sensitive matter, lad. Forgive me if I’m not particularly… forthcoming. Speaking of forthcoming, I forgot an introduction. The name’s Feargna. You?”
Olban hesitated before giving his real name.
Olban. Ask if Feargna has seen any monsters, Eloise urged. Maybe that’s why everyone is running away.
“Pardon the question, Feargna, but the ‘sensitive matter’ you mentioned wouldn’t happen to be… a monster, would it?”
Feargna’s face grew suspicious.
“And why d’you want to know?”
I knew it, Eloise said.
“Feargna, we… well. Firstly, do you know what a Nexus is?”
“I’d be a fool not to. Most round here do.” Her face darkened. “But there’ve been some bad experiences with ’em around here. Dunno if it’s something about Draklis or what, but… they usually lose their minds pretty young.”
“Lose their minds?” Olban said. “I don’t think I’ve heard of anything like that happening anywhere.”
“Aye, but it happens here. Locals have started believing, after the month we’ve had, that the land we’d built on is cursed. That’s why we’ve been packin’ up and going. But hey, you never did explain yourself. How did you know about a monster? What have you heard?”
“It’s… complicated. The short version is, I… am a Nexus. There are two others in my head right now, Eloise and Gareth. They come from a different world. Eloise… attracted the attention of a bitter god, and we sort of had to talk him out of destroying the universe. But the good news is, he’s really turned himself around. Unfortunately, his former minions… haven’t gotten the memo.”
Feargna stared at Olban like he’d just grown a fourth head. She blinked a few times, then shook her head like she was already grieving for her lost freedom.
“If what you say is true, then I suppose I’ll have to take you to King Scintius. I’m not sure if you’re related to our current problem, but… well, I’ll let the king figure out what to do. It’s his job, anyway.”
Olban let out a barely audible sigh of relief.
“Thanks, Feargna.”
“I’m not so sure you should be thanking me yet, lad. Draklis is… not the paradise it used to be. Hasn’t been for a while now.”
I’m just glad she didn’t bash our skulls in with that axe of hers, Gareth said. I mean, look at that thing. It’s bloody massive.
Olban hadn’t even processed her axe. It was slung over Feargna’s shoulder, and each of the twin blades was nearly the size of her skull. It was definitely formidable, and intricately crafted with engraved details. It was almost like the scenes on a greek vase, except more lethal.
If it was possible for Eloise to gulp without a body, she did.
That’s… a very big axe, she said.
Understatement of the century, Gareth retorted.
“Feargna, what were you saying about Nexus events in Draklis?”
“Hmph. Not really something I’m inclined to brag about. We ain’t proud of it. But I can tell ya it ain’t new. Been happening long before the dragon flipped his lid, long before you pissed off a god.”
“I see…” Olban seemed lost in thought.
What is it, Olban? Gareth asked. Have you heard of something like this happening?
“No, I haven’t, but I have a theory. Now shh. I need to ask more questions,” Olban hissed, quietly enough to avoid Feargna’s scrutiny.
I’m not sure she’s open to answering more questions, Eloise said. She seems… sad. Or maybe angry. Or both. Plus, she’s got that axe. I’d avoid pissing her off.
“I can handle it, Eloise. Trust me.”
Eloise was silent.
“Feargna, the Nexus events… what happened?”
“Nothin’ happened. It’s been happening, for my whole life at least. As far as I know it’s always been here. No triggering event in history that we know of— or at least that anyone ever talks about. It’s like the land itself just… rebels against it.”
“And… the people who…”
“I toldja. They go crazy. Say, what part of ‘don’t wanna talk’ do you not understand?”
Olban raised his hands in surrender.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m not trying to cause offense, I promise. I’m just trying to… understand. Nexus events are rare, and Nexus events going wrong is… even rarer. To happen on a societal level…”
“My brother,” Feargna blurted. “He was, uh, a Nexus. His name was Fergus.”
Oh, no… Eloise said, her voice tinged with empathy.
No wonder she didn’t want to talk about it, Gareth said.
“When I say ‘went crazy,’ that’s exactly what I mean. At first it was just the normal stuff— talking to himself. Staring off into space, like he was somewhere else. But it got… darker. Less ‘hi, how are you’ and more like… scared. Like they were asking him to do things. Terrible things. He’d be up all night, crying and whispering to himself. He didn’t want to do it. Even my parents, I… I don’t think they understand. How desperate he was. How much he wanted to stop…” She paused, blinking away tears. “He’s… gone now. Vacant, I guess you could say.”
“And… whoever shared his body?” Olban asked, tentatively. He could guess about the ending of Feargna’s brother.
Feargna’s face grew stony.
“Dunno. Whoever it was, it’s gone now, with the rest of him. I certainly never heard or saw anything, and… well. That’s all I’ll say.” Olban noticed a flash of anxiety cross her face for a moment, and wondered briefly what she was still hiding. He was about to ask another question when a faint vibration stirred the ground beneath their feet, sending up a cloud of dust and making the pebbles jump like angry crickets.
“Ah, shit. Arm yourself, Olban.” Feargna unslung her axe from her shoulder. “I get the feeling we won’t be getting a warm welcome… well, unless you count getting slow-cooked by dragon fire as warm.”
I Hope No One Reads This Poem
i hope it is set aside, perhaps
a title read and then forgotten.
perhaps it elicits a chuckle
before it is gone.
i hope it never makes it
to poetry-workshop tables
surrounded by grad students
and an over-excited professor
talking about the purposefulness
of my line breaks, the perfection
of my enjambment, the beauty
of my metaphors. what did i mean
by this?
i hope it doesn't keep you up
at night, wondering: is the lowercase
"i" on purpose, a deliberate expression
of melancholy or a demeaning
of the self? or is it just a symptom
of my inability to press the shift key
on my computer, because it
"disrupts my creative flow"
or something?
i hope the internet crashes
and burns
and archeologists in a million years
don't try to piece together
the digital fragments of
these words.
i hope they never teach me
in high school english classes:
analysis of form and figurative language.
here's a simile for you:
this poem is like a snowflake.
good for a moment,
but destined to melt
deep into the soil.
life is only precious 'cause it ends.
this poem is only precious
because it is mundane,
easily buried, easily forgotten.
i am not meant to be the focus of
your life's work. i am meant only as
a product of my own
life's work.
do not analyze me.
there is never only one answer,
never only one interpretation
for who i am
and what i mean.
Bluesky [Announcement]
Hi everyone!
If you follow me on Instagram you may know that I haven't been active on social media (other than here, of course) in... a very long time.
However, my goal for 2025 is to change that. I have several large projects in the works, and I am hoping to rebuild a social media following as I work on actually publishing things.
To that aim, I have made an account on Bluesky that I am aiming to make my main social media profile (again, aside from here!). My username is whitewolfe32 (no links, but should be easy enough to find).
I hope to connect with some of you there!
8.22.23 - 10.21.24
i haven't seen you in a year.
it's a relief.
it should be a relief.
instead it's a dread.
i'm not stupid. i know
you'll be back.
sometimes when i lie awake
at night
i feel your approach
fading away just before
you arrive.
i breathe a sigh of relief
and fall asleep.
i push you from my mind
because i have to.
i cannot think about you.
don't think about it.
don't think about it.
don't talk about it.
don't write about it.
but here i am. writing it.
thinking it. maybe you
were right.
maybe i did want it.
maybe i even
needed it.
i haven't forgotten.
my days are spent
not with sighs of relief
or the cherishing of each night
that i go without—
but instead with the fear
of the night you'll return.
because i know you will.
maybe once upon a time,
i thought you went away,
but i've given up on
kidding myself.
you are, after all,
a part of me.
isn't that what
my first psychiatrist said?
you are the rot in my gut that i
try to starve out of me;
you are the intrusive thoughts
that make me believe i am a monster;
you are the distorted disgusting image
of my bare body that i spend my life
trying to cover up.
you are the hatred that i
cannot beat out of myself.
i'm always externalizing my flaws.
building people in my head to blame
when i fuck up.
you are the shame.
so many people told me
i had no reason to be broken.
so i invented you
to break me.
and it worked.
which is why i know you'll
be back.
because shame doesn't die.
it can't be killed.
it can only be stalled, delayed,
pushed away towards some
abstract future date
that i know is fast approaching.
you're coming.
i'd like to say i'm ready for it.
i'm prepared, or at least i'll
have time to prepare, to guard my throat
against the acid reflux, to
build up my mental defenses and stand up
to you again.
but i'm never prepared.
that's the funny thing about shame.
it creeps up. subtle.
you are the space in my brain that i define
by what's around it, the life, the love
that you displace. because i cannot
face it head on.
i have to stay on the outskirts,
fencing off the pitfalls
in my brain, tunnels in the amygdala,
rivers in the frontal lobe
that will lead me straight to you.
you're the part of me
that i cannot admit is mine.
and until i can,
we'll be stuck in this endless dance
of torment.
you: my flaws, my shame.
and me: forever looking for
stomach tightening into knots,
something in the windows, or
something is not where it's
supposed to be. disarray. panic.
a stranger. the walls are moving.
shifting, like an A.I. generated image,
I cannot trust my eyes. I cannot trust
my ears. I cannot trust my fingertips,
all six and a half of them. wait. not
right. I cannot trust my brain, my body.
I cannot trust you.
b r e a t h e . . .
everything feels slower now. in a
fast way. slow and fast. all at once.
my breathing is slow. fingers clenched
tight. I cannot afford to let go. of myself.
I cannot stop. writing. thinking.
was that always here? the hole in the
wall? or did someone drill a hole,
trepanation, planted a camera, a nail
to hang a picture frame to cover
their eyes. watching. I am being watched.
b r e a t h e . . .
I am stretched thin trying to remember
who I am and where I left the keys. check
the pocket. the car. under the bed. the other
pocket. hiding places are everywhere. I cannot
let it swallow me.
i don't have time to check today. running
late. don't look back, or i'll be. trapped here.
i don't have time to cross my t's or capitalize
my i's. is there even an I left or is it only i. do i
have a proper noun or only this false semblance,
meant to be an adjective. i describe you. i am u.
b r e a t h e . . .
too long. too loud. too much. too many. not
enough. make up your mind. paint it until
it starts looking like all the other brains,
pink and grey and white and wrinkled flesh,
dopamine and serotonin and chemicals that
make me feel something. make me feel something.
my face is painted to look angry. sad. happy.
i didn't check today. i didn't capitalize my i. or
cross my t. now i am stomach tightening, breathe
fast and slow and nonexistent. heartbeat the same.
now i am cold. dark. sightless and soundless. everything
and nothing and something, once upon a time.
but no longer. now i'm
worms on the sidewalk
writhing fat and long in the rain.
maybe i should not be outside.
the worms seem fatter
than i remember.
are they thriving while we wane?
the rain distorts my screen.
some of the letters are fat and long, like the worms.
some of them are thin and gaunt
like the survivors of a genocide
happening on the other side of the globe.
it feels far away sometimes,
and other times it feels like someone
is screaming it in my ears.
this would be
good weather to die in.
i would decompose by morning,
worm food.
they grow fat while i am reduced
to bones.
all of my friends
know where they are going.
they have big plans
for tomorrow,
whereas i wake up every morning
and check for rotting flesh
to see if i became worm food
in my sleep.
maybe they have eaten me already.
maybe i will wake up and be gone.
maybe i will wake up in a cradle made of bombs.
maybe i will wake up
to the sound of birds singing
outside my unshattered window.
maybe i won’t wake up at all.
every time my eyes open
i am reminded of my privilege.
i wipe the crust from my eyes
and stare at myself in the mirror.
i look like a corpse.
maybe there are already worms
under my skin
eating me away.
i plucked a grey hair today.
it slid from my pores
as easily as a needle
being pulled from a pincushion.
clumps of pus or dead skin cells
clung to the end of it.
it didn't feel right.
everyone tells me i'm too young to die,
but i think i've been dead
since the moment of my birth,
living my life
cotard's syndrome.
the belief that you are dead, or dying.
delusional parasitosis.
the belief that there are worms living under
your skin.
am i crazy?
the early bird gets the worm
the early worm
gets the corpse.
the early corpse
gets honored
flowers and crying parents,
"gone too soon"
but you never hear "gone too late"
or "gone right on time."
is it true that people only love you
when you're gone?
no longer around to let them down
with your humanness.
if i'm dead i won't rebel.
if i'm dead i won't talk back.
if i'm dead i won't make you cry
when you roll up my sleeves and see
fresh wounds.
if i'm dead. if. when.
the worms come out when it rains
and then die on the sidewalk when the rain
they are immortalized
like the morbid sculptures of pompeii
frozen in the agonized poses they died in.
if i died right now, what position would i be stuck in?
hunched over my phone
fetal position in my bed
it seems like those
are the only positions i'm in
these days.
raindrops are not falling on my head.
my head is a million miles away.
i cross the road-river to get to you.
i look at puddles and i see the sea.
making mountains
out of molehills.
you are close. but not close enough.
how long is too long
how far is too far
how many words does it take
to describe a thunderstorm
and the emotions it stirs in me.
everyone else has an umbrella.
i hate umbrellas. they're just another thing to
carry and lose.
they give nothing more than
an illusion of safety.
the man walking four feet ahead of me
is just as wet as i am, despite his plastic-coated shield.
is water wet?
do we define a thing
by what it does?
if water makes you wet,
is that the same as being?
am i my words.
am i the lack of them.
for that matter,
what does it mean to be dry?
even cracked peeling skin,
dehydrated and scabby,
produces its own oils.
unless you're dead,
and then the worms and the rain
will claim you.
everything means something.
the letters scrawled
on the brick wall of the stairwell,
impossible to decipher.
the sounds coming from the neighbors walls.
the rhythmic drumming of the water
on my skull
in the shower.
if i knew morse code, i'm sure i'd heard a warning
in the creaking and groaning of the walls
or the ceaseless drumming of the rain.
what if the rain never stops,
and the biblical flood
rises up out of history to consume us?
i wonder who god trusted
to build the ark this time.
maybe no one.
i mean, i know i wouldn't trust anyone i know
to restart the human race from scratch.
we're all much too flawed.
being inside
offers no sanctuary from the rain
the rain stays slick and warm on my skin
like burning wax.
it weaves itself in between the threads of my shirt
and settles there.
it plasters my hair to my head like a greasy crown.
i want to go back outside.
at least there, i can embrace the rain
instead of feeling like i need to wipe it off.
i want to feel like i don't have to resist
raindrops race down my window.
i'm dry now,
at least, as dry as you can be without being dead.
the one closest to the edge of the window
is winning
but there's one in the middle that's
gaining on it.
then they're both gone,
falling too fast to track, falling into oblivion in unison.
i guess i won't know
which one won.
severe thunderstorm warning.
i don't know why
but seeing that notification
always thrills me.
will this be the night
that my roof is torn from my home,
that a tree falls and someone hears it,
that i am whisked out of kansas?
life is as boring as it is far too exciting.
i crave stability,
but when i get it,
i spurn it.
my brain felt everything at once
and then burned out
and now there is nothing left.
is the storm over,
or am i trapped in its eye?
in the moments before lightning strikes an area,
the people there have their hair stand on end,
reminiscent of a manic einstein.
evolutionary fear of death.
my hair feels like it is always
standing on end, skin plagued
by an unscratchable itch, like bugs
underneath my skin.
that's another symptom of psychosis. am i crazy?
i used to be afraid of thunder.
it would wake me up at three a.m.
and i would lie awake
until the sound faded into oblivion
and let my eyelids shut it out.
a few times i'd crawl into my parents' room.
the thunder always sounded quieter there.
at some point,
the thunder became a tranquilizer
rather than a stimulant,
lulling me to sleep
no longer forcing my eyes open.
i don't dream anymore.
i'm too tired.
sleep is my new addiction.
fourteen hours isn't enough.
i still want to nap through the storm.
my whole life is sleeping through storms.
i wake up and i've missed it.
the beauty and the catastrophe.
my entire life is made up of
the calm before the storm
anticipation building up to
a crash
and then sleeping through the moments
i've been waiting for.
i want you to
turn me upside-down
like i’m caught in a twister.
i need the release,
so don’t
release me.
is this what it feels like to die?
weightless in your arms
the winds take me
to wherever you want me to go.
i follow blindly.
i’m not allowed to have my own
i keep telling myself
this means something.
but i don’t think it does.
the rain falls without
knowing where it will land
the thunder does not plan
where it strikes
the graffiti letters in the stairwell
were not meant for me.
i am not important. i’m just another
droplet of rain in the storm.
eventually i will fall into oblivion, like
others before me.
i will have neither won the race, nor lost.
only run it.
as we all do.
rats in a maze, rats in a cage, rats in a race.
there are songs about that.
maybe one day i will write another one
about rats in the rain.
the cracks in my window sing me to sleep
with whistling breaths.
to some it sounds like screams, agonized wails
of the dead and dying.
to me it sounds like company.
my misery loves that.
puddles ripple in the wind.
the sky distorts.
i wonder what the world would look like underwater.
i wonder what reality would look like.
maybe i am drowning while everyone else is afloat.
maybe that’s why i feel this way.
i step on the sky in the puddle. for a moment i
am flying.
is broken.
i do not sink into the puddle. i keep walking.
i wonder what i would look like above water.
one of my favorite quotes says to
write about the silence.
i keep trying to listen to it.
to the spaces in between sounds.
but i cannot find the silence. there is only
like raindrops. constant. droning. until it fades
into the background.
is that what silence is? tuning out?
maybe i should write about
the calm before.
ironic perhaps
that i’m writing this after.
i can only reflect on the calm before,
never the calm now or the calm later.
i am always reminiscing on better times.
every once and a while i am reminded
that the childhood i remember
was much darker when i was living it.
i remember being excited
when i moved houses in first grade.
my parents remember the nightmares i had for months,
the sickness and sinus infections,
the side effects of
i remember the calm before the storm.
i am reminded that the calm never existed.
a coworker of mine was talking about how
her son chews on the collars of his shirts
because of his anxiety.
i remembered chewing on my own shirts.
i don’t remember being anxious.
but i guess i was.
i guess i’ve always been this way.
always in the storm. always looking back
at the calm before.
i wonder if death is the calm before.
i wonder if,
when i get there,
i’ll look back at my life and call it the calm before.
i wonder if i’ll ever be able to enjoy the calm
when it’s happening.
there is no calm
at all.
the forecast says we’re in a tornado warning.
it’s sunny outside.
like the week before my suicide.
people told me i was the happiest
they’d ever seen me.
the calm before.
maybe my attempt
maybe this is
the storm after
that i am forced to weather.
i can’t try again.
the failure hurts too much.
i was a straight a student.
i’m used to success on the first try.
school taught me how to attempt suicide
but it never taught me how to complete it
if i failed the first time.
i’ve been talking with my therapist about my dead cat.
i don’t know why it hurts so much. it was
a long time ago.
i still see her ghost
in the room down the hall.
she was the calm before and the storm after.
when your mind is a hurricane,
tragedy is the eye.
i find myself comfortable
when i am suffering.
pain is soothing, perhaps even
i fantasize about evisceration,
daydream about the apocalypse,
have trained myself to revel in grief.
is that crazy?
or is it just a symptom of the one track
information highway leading right into
my brain and stopping traffic with its
flashing lights and bright colors and
click here to know what happiness feels
like and oh my god the world is ending but
holy shit check out this super relatable
meme and would you still love me if i was
a worm?
the worms come out in the rain and the
and the storm
because they don’t have to worry
about being struck
by lightning.
neither do i.
i’m short enough to fly under god’s radar.
would i love myself if i were a worm?
would i have a self?
do i have a self?
in the eye of the hurricane, there is a moment
when you can see the yellow green sky
the color of pus and decaying teeth.
the sky is blue
until it isn’t anymore,
and if that’s not true,
then what else have i been lied to again?
is the grass pink, my flesh green, is the world
merely a product of what other people
told me to see?
i peel back the layers and look underneath.
true colors or the lack thereof.
perhaps we are all grey.
i look at the sky and it’s yellow.
the eye of the hurricane winks, blinks, and is gone.
count the seconds between the thunder and the lightning.
the storm is coming
(or it already came, leaving us behind
to deal with the fallout).
we are afraid of the thunder.
we flinch when the loud noise comes.
we lay awake at night and find ourselves
holding our breath until the next sound comes.
but by the time we hear it, the damage has
already been done.
the tree
has been split down the middle
the house
has lost its power
the storm chasers
have gotten their thrill.
the thunder is merely a reminder that it happened.
that the tree made a sound when it fell,
that nature has made its mark,
a defiant excision of the scars of man.
the thunder was here before us,
and it will be our funeral bells
after we are gone.
my anxiety is like thunder.
it only shows up when everything is over.
my fear is in retrograde,
running backwards and tallying up
the myriad ways in which in which i screwed up
my own life before i even had the chance to live it.
if only i had— (but you didn’t)
if only i’d known— (but you didn’t)
if only.
but i couldn’t.
i’ve been counting the seconds between
the lightning
and the thunder
and i haven’t stopped counting yet.
the numbers keep getting bigger,
time keeps ticking, i’m getting older
suddenly it’s 2024 but i’m still eleven years old.
i never moved on.
the thunder never came and now i’m stuck in limbo
wondering if the lightning was just a trick
of the imagination.
maybe i imagined it.
maybe there was no lightning.
or maybe i wasn’t paying attention and i missed
the sound of thunder.
if i spend all my time counting seconds,
i’ll miss the moments that matter.
i like staring at fluorescent lights
until purple spots spawn in the center of my vision.
i wait and blink them away,
wondering if this is the day that it will finally become
nature goes clubbing and lightning is the strobe lights
purple and and white and black
in a dramatic dance across the sky
flirting with the tips of trees
and the edges of power lines.
i used to love power outages.
my parents would take us
into the basement and eat popsicles to save them
from melting
in the dysfunctional fridge.
we’d whirl our flashlights and my brother and i
would admire my mom’s flashlight—
big, industrial strength, enough to light up
the whole room.
man-made lightning. man-made sun in the storm.
i remember one night,
the power went out at three in the morning
and my mom let us sleep in through it.
i was mad.
yet again, i’d slept through all the fun.
i still wonder how many power outages i’ve missed
because of my brain’s lights going out.
i miss eating popsicles in the basement
and huddling around pocket flashlights.
i miss being a child, surrounded by a family i knew loved me.
these days, all of that feels less certain.
one day, the power might go out
and not turn back on.
maybe then i’d be able to write about the silence.
but no one would ever know i’d done it.
maybe that’s the point.
maybe we’re supposed to talk to walls.
maybe i don’t have to share everything i write.
maybe there is meaning in
not sharing.
the sky is
purple and yellow and grey and white and black and
everything except blue.
what is real?
am i crazy?
maybe the sky has never been blue.
maybe it’s always been grey.
i don’t remember the lightning always making
this shade of purple.
like the sky itself is bruised.
black and not-blue.
the lightning strikes
like bugs falling from the ceiling or out of my
hair and onto my wrist and maybe i’m rotting
and the maggots are eating me alive in the rain.
i thought it’d be easy to die in a storm.
i’d rot quickly.
but the weather’s never nice to die in.
sometimes the lightning strikes even when the sun
is shining.
i’m a zombie, reanimated by lightning.
electroshock therapy or the electric chair.
that which does not kill me…
makes me a monster.
am i crazy?
no. not yet.
i wonder if this is what it feels like to lose my mind.
i saw the lightning. it struck.
now i’m waiting for the thunder
to cement my severance from reality.
i’m stuck in limbo
between corporeality and crazy.
between body and soul.
between reality and psychosis.
not quite crazy yet.
but close enough.
my skin tingles like lightning is about to strike.
scalp itches. hair stiff.
if i ripped the strands from my head would i even
feel it?
probably not. the hair is already dead. i am already
atoms held together by imagination.
i see pictures and portals in the clouds.
do the clouds ever look down and see
pictures and portals
in us?
it’s hard to believe that we can’t
touch them.
hands pass right through the white fog
as if it’s not even there.
maybe it isn’t. maybe the clouds are a collective
reality is transient. malleable.
if you tell me the sky is blue,
i’ll believe you. even when i look up and it’s
white like maggots on my
dead flesh.
white like bone underneath blood.
white like death.
the sky isn’t falling. it’s already dead.
held in place only by our belief in it.
white like the dead skin around my fingernails
where i’ve peeled the flesh and cartilage away.
white and pink where the blood fills the loose flesh.
white like the callouses on my knuckles and heels.
the sky isn’t falling. it’s already dead.
i am not falling. i’m already dead.
held in place by your conviction that i remain,
that a heart is beating underneath the corpse body
and corpse mind.
do dead people have thoughts?
i think they must.
since i am dead, and i am still
a cloud passes over the sun.
how is it possible that broad daylight can feel
so dark?
before a storm, the clouds shift from white to grey,
darkened by the rain like a damp cloth soaked in tears.
i wonder if, like a tissue, the clouds
shatter under the weight up my sobs,
break apart and leave fluffy white paper bits
on the earth’s floor.
the tissue cannot keep holding up the weight
of my formless grief.
it crumbles. the sky falls.
except the sky can’t fall because it’s already dead and
it’s white not blue like a corpse like a skeleton like
maggots and death and the stars on the american flag.
let’s talk about inaction.
it’s about time i confessed.
i am like the clouds. looking important, lacking substance.
your hands can pass right through my opinions,
white sun-bleached sand through a sieve.
i keep telling myself i need to
be the lightning that warns of thunder
or the thunder that announces that
something has gone
instead i hold in the rain until i can’t anymore
and i take it out on all the wrong people.
the world tells me i am broken and perverted and wrong
and i whisper that they’re the wrong ones,
but i can’t find the strength
to scream.
laws get passed. They try to tell me
what i am allowed to learn, what i am allowed to wear,
where i am allowed to shop. where can i get
the healthcare i need.
i used to think i’d care when my rights got taken away.
i’d scream and kick and cry, ask about FREEDOM
what happened to AMERICA what happened to
i do not scream, i do not kick, i do not cry.
i lay in my bed until noon and wonder if
this is what the end of the world looks like,
if it’s even possible to scream and kick and cry.
how do people find the strength to rebel
against ideas older than humanity itself,
systems that have roots far deeper and
far thicker and far stronger than my own?
i can only laugh when i hear about the latest
am i a psychopath or a product of a culture that
turns death into a spectator sport, gore into a game,
maybe when i watch the japanese woman in unit 731
get her flesh unzipped at the wrist and degloved
down to the bone maybe then i will finch and wince and groan
and finally
feel something.
i wonder what it felt like. i wonder if i could do it to myself.
strip off my rotting flesh and expose the pearly bones underneath,
fresh and white like clouds on a sunny day.
would it kill me? or am i already dead?
am i crazy?
i keep asking myself. i don’t think so.
i’m just a cloud, a ghost.
your hand will pass right through me
as if i’m not even
the sky is blue.
not white not yellow not black not grey not purple.
the sun is shining.
not burning not dying not heating not hurting.
i am alive.
not dying not dead not rotting not still and pale and tired.
we all have our own version of reality.
this is yours.
in which the sky is blue and people are not zombies and bugs
fall from trees and not from scalps.
we all have our own version of reality.
the antidepressant commercials say depression
robs you of color and medication
will give it back. the world
will no longer be white and grey and dead.
the sky will be blue.
i look around and i think i see color.
the sky isn’t blue but it’s purple
and grey and green and yellow and red and my jacket
is orange and my eyes are green and that means
the antidepressants are working, i guess.
but in the morning i wake up and no amount of sunlight will
bring color into my room.
and at night i lie awake and see only tv static.
i wonder, if i switched my medications, if they actually worked,
would i realize that what i’m seeing now is merely
psychological colorblindness?
would i see the world with new eyes?
would the sky
be blue?
am i crazy?
just because i don’t see the world
like you?
just because your sky is blue
and mine is
(grey and green and purple and red and white like
maggots and death and clouds)
the sky is flesh colored.
undulating, breaking, weeping.
my arms are
white and purple and green and yellow and red and
like the sky in a storm.
the rain starts to feel like pus
oozing from white pimple-clouds.
the ground starts to feel like clumps of hair.
we are lice on the scalp of the earth.
we are the maggots that feast on our
mother’s flesh and the flesh of the brothers and sisters
and gods far older than us.
we eat them all without care.
the earth itches her hair and tries to shake us loose.
am i crazy?
i’m not ready to let go yet.
i still have a few more words
to shake loose.
like hair and earth and maggots.
but for you,
the sky is still
people tell me the weather tomorrow
will be sunny.
some people have the audacity to tell me my yesterday
was sunny.
as if they know the answers.
as if the weatherman is always accurate.
they still haven’t predicted my weather,
even though it’s constant.
every day they say
maybe today the sky will be blue
and every day i have only storms
and discolored skies.
i’ve been crazy before. this feels
more permanent, perhaps.
like if i go crazy now,
i’ll have to be crazy forever.
and forever is a long time.
am i crazy?
sometimes i wonder what other people’s forecasts are,
and if they’re ever right.
someone predicts sunny blue skies and then
they wake up and the sky is blue and glowing.
they predict storms and get storms. there is routine.
maybe all i need to do is expect the storm.
then the blue sky will shine for me
just to prove me wrong.
i think i’d prefer the rain.
i’ve never known what it was like to look up
at a blue sky.
when i was a child my skies were pink,
and by the time i realized my sky was supposed to be blue,
it was too late.
now the best i can hope for is purple.
but it’s still just
grey and white.
like death.
like sick worms oozing out their life on concrete
sometimes i google different types of psychosis.
i check boxes on faux-medical surveys waiting
for someone to tell me i’m crazy.
for someone to predict my forecast as storms
and get it right.
i want a name for this feeling.
schizo, loco, psycho.
give me a label that i can wrap myself in.
give me a forecast where the sky
isn’t blue.
where the storm
isn’t all my fault.
let me blame my genetics, my parents,
ex-friends or premature birth or maybe
the doctor who dropped me on my head at
birth or the concussion when i was eight or
the second concussion when i was eleven or
something. someone. anything. anyone.
tell me why i am the way i am.
as long as it’s someone else’s fault.
am i crazy?
i hope i am.
it’d make things easier.
the idea that i’m the sane one
is far more terrifying.
my phone tells me the high today is
seventy five.
i wonder if i’ll live that long.
the doomsday clock says ninety seconds to midnight.
i wonder if this is what the apocalypse feels like.
i wonder if we’ll notice when the clock strikes twelve
or if we’ll all be too burnt out to care.
how long is ninety seconds, anyway?
the forecast tells me
tomorrow will be sunny.
the sky will be blue.
i wonder. are their instruments broken?
or is it just me?
you can have wind without rain
but you can’t have a tornado without
a storm.
wind turns rain into bullets,
hair into bird’s nests,
spark into flame,
dust into dust,
ash into ash,
fate into fantasy.
i wonder when the wind blew me off course.
i wonder when the wind
whistled sweet temptations into my
innocent ears
back before i knew that thoughts could be dangerous
and lured me off the beaten path
and into the thorns.
perhaps it was the wind that drove me crazy.
a tornado
picked me up and carried me away and now
i’m not in kansas anymore.
i’m not here at all.
i’m still whirling in the wind and rain.
i used to wish something exciting would happen to me.
something scary, something thrilling, something new.
now that it has happened, i’m bored. i stared
into the face of the wizard of oz and beheld him
to be a fraud.
i found my world to be made up of paper cutouts
and lies.
the wind knocked them over, whisked it away.
the sky was not blue. the sky was not anything.
all the color we saw was just a trick of physics.
the only real thing was the wind. moving air.
you could not touch it, could not hold it
but you could feel it. and it felt you.
hands tugging at your clothes trying to pull them off
let me touch you
the wind begs.
you’ll like it,
i know you want it,
the wind puts a hand on my leg.
he had a name once but i don’t remember it.
the wind was young too. he doesn’t remember me.
and i know he doesn’t know my name because i changed it
after i moved away
from it.
he didn’t follow me but the wind did.
there are more tornadoes now than there ever were
i don’t see him anymore. but i feel him. in
dream like glimpses
in psychological damage
i didn’t know i had in triggers
long forgotten and
dug back up in the doctors office or by
the television show i watched during the pandemic
when a lewd joke made me remember.
am i crazy?
i don’t think i have a right to talk about it.
i didn’t care when it happened, so why
do i have the right to care about it now?
the audacity
to try and steal attention away from people
whose stories actually matter.
telling does nothing. for me or them.
the words are taken by the wind.
i don’t know which of my memories are real.
my most vivid recollections have been proven
the wind took the real things from me,
whisked them away and took them to the land of oz
and the fraudulent wizard gave me replacement ones
and told me to throw water the real ones and
they melted.
and i trusted the wizard.
now my memories aren’t mine.
they belong to my parents. held hostage until i ask
what happened when
and they tell me
and i’m forced to realize
i used to be different.
maybe i’m better now.
maybe the wind made me bearable.
i’ll never know what i would have been without it.
i can always tell when a storm is coming.
the clouds hang heavy, as if they cannot hold
their own weight any longer.
atlas cannot hold the sky up forever. eventually,
it must fall.
so must we all.
the sky is not blue. it is black and grey, the color
sucked out of it as if it is preparing
for a rainbow.
the rainbow never comes. instead the clouds
march forth dark and angry, a vengeful army,
zeus shaking his fist in warning.
surrender, or else.
prepare for the storm.
huddle together with flashlights and canned food and
wonder if today will be the day your home washes away.
foggy roads. telephone poles like
black obsidian crosses built to honor forgotten gods.
the electricity won’t reach you here. the sky
is too dark. even if the lights were on,
there’d still be nothing
to see.
hidden behind the clouds, we no longer know
if the sky is blue. if the sky is real.
when life is a constant storm, what does it mean
to be sunny?
am i crazy?
the overcast sky screams to me that i am. that i must be.
the order of the universe, of stars and galaxies and
planets and all things larger and grander than me
demands it.
if the sky calls me crazy, who am i
to disagree?
isn’t that what
sweet dreams
are made of?
or perhaps,
surely there must be a sun behind the clouds.
how else would the world keep spinning,
trapped in a cycle of day and night, wind and rain.
the storm does not change the cycle. day and night still
come and go.
it’s just harder to tell which is which.
am i crazy?
black sky. overcast heart. a cloud passes in front of
the sun and stays there, waiting for something.
waiting for me. i make eye contact with apollo
through the screen of the black cloud suddenly
transparent and he winks and the cloud moves on
its way.
i wonder
if this is what it feels like to love.
loneliness. a cloud over the sun. and instead of
moving on,
it stays there. i cannot
stick my hand through this cloud and touch the sun.
it is a wall. keeping me in my cage. keeping it
between me and the sun.
i am icarus but i cannot fly too close to the sun.
daedalus has me on a tight leash, promises me one day
i’ll be allowed to use my wings.
one day, when the storms have passed.
not yet. not yet.
excuses, excuses. just let me
through the overcast sky.
birds do it all the time.
why can’t i?
april showers bring may flowers.
april showers bring
picking at dead skin and wondering
why my body looks so discolored
under fluorescent lights surrounded by
ceramic white walls.
hair is going down the drain in clumps. i think
about the guy who ate hair from the shower drain.
i think about my friend who pulled out her eyebrows
with her fingernails.
i wonder if i’ll pull my hair out like that.
nothing left but
empty pores like boreholes in my head where the worms
can crawl in and crawl out.
maybe the worms are already there.
i try to scrub away the dead skin and the grease.
it doesn’t work and i wonder if it’s because i’m dead.
permanently embalmed by my eons of poor
hygiene and neglect and i cannot clean myself
anymore because i don’t have the time and
i’m always making excuses.
my body hates me and i hate it back.
which came first? does it matter?
no. not anymore. the hate is so deep and so
permanent and so painful that it has become
a solution, soothing, a balm.
if my body is the problem, the source of my storm,
i won’t have to worry about my mind.
am i crazy?
touch the sky,
run your fingers through
the strands of grey hair
until they
grey like the
flakes of dead skin,
ashes of lost civilizations,
pompeii erupting, preparing
to bury me.
just bury me.
when you’re underground, the sky is always
the clouds are always
like rich soil
falling into your mouth
and down
your throat
it chokes you.
am i crazy?
i cannot even make the words
i am choking on my own voice,
drowning in my own spit and tears
and blood and piss.
i am nothing but an ornate self destruct button.
press me and i’ll
take us both out.
april showers:
the water drills holes in my skull,
self trepanation, the hole to the soul
is the cure for the wound the wound is
the cure and my brains are
spilling out on the floor for you to
gather up like may’s flowers.
today there is rain.
tomorrow, allegedly, there will be
fruit to come from my labor,
sweet to balance the bitter, life
to replace the dead.
i wonder if the life that replaces me will
look up and see blue skies. the skies
i wish i could see.
april showers bring mayflowers,
the pilgrims sail the rivers of water
flowing down my body, leaving track marks
where they cut through the waves like a knife.
i am just another colonized colony, another
subjugation, another stop sailing on me.
i turn the water off.
i can’t do it anymore.
as the water drips off, i see mold
starting to grow on my skin.
the rot looks like flowers, blooming in may
after a storm.
maybe death is beautiful.
hot and cold, dead and alive, white and black,
opposites attract
in my mind
and merge together, yin and yang, balance and
i am one and then the other, like a seismometer
the line
goes up
and down
and up
and down
until it becomes a nonsensical scribble. the earth is
preparing to shatter the sky is preparing to fall the
world is preparing to end and i am preparing for
my mind to follow suit.
the line
goes up
and down
and up
and down
and i’m waiting for it to straighten out again.
steady now. i am seasick on dry land,
world trembling beneath my feet, i wonder
is this why i refuse to step on sidewalk cracks?
there are fault lines in my brain. turbulence on my
flight path danger on my radar and everything is
the line
goes up
and down
and up
and down
like the ticking of a grandfather clock, if you went back
in time and killed your grandfather would you
finally know what it meant to be dead and alive
i am schrödinger’s cat.
dead and alive until you open my box and find my
insides rotting underneath cardboard skin and then
you’ll find i was dead all along. but with the box
sewn shut you can pretend i’m still living.
still laughing. still loving. like the sign
in the kitchen that became a meme but you still
don’t know what it means
to live.
to laugh.
to love.
you did it once and couldn’t understand what all the
fuss was about why bother laughing if people just
tell you it sounds weird or you’re annoying and why
bother loving if people just call you a faggot or
a pedophile even if you’re the same age
as if you don’t know what it means. as if
they don’t know what it means. and you
hear about another death on the news and feel nothing.
you were supposed to feel something. but you didn’t.
maybe you were the one that died. maybe we are
one and the same.
and what’s the point of living if you can’t
and you can’t
there is nothing left but maybe and grey. no more
yeses and nos and white and black. opposites
attracted and then they blended and now
everything is flat. balanced. the turbulence
got so loud and went on so long that it became
your new normal.
the plane took off and your stomach protested and
the seismograph drew a picture of death and it
looked like you. and me. and the storm.
the turbulence rocked me
to sleep.
and the rain came down
harder than before.
the line
goes up
and down
and up
and down
and then flat.
the end - 8 graves
because the storm is coming for you.
the rain is not your friend.
the clouds ain't gonna hold you
the thunder brings the end
it’s the end, it’s the end.
the forecast says the world’s gonna end
but they said that in 2012 and they played the
r.e.m. song on the radio and then
the world moved on.
endings never come when we expect them to.
sometimes they come in the middle
of the poem that you’re writing at midnight.
that you’ve been writing for the past
twelve midnights in a row
waiting for it to mean something.
instead all you get is fog.
mixed up thoughts and messed up memories.
sludge the color of maggots and bones.
white like the clouds, but thicker. you can almost
touch it.
it parts for you, moses and the red sea.
i part for you, too.
come see my rotting insides, watch my heart
pump nothing but fog through my veins
where the blood should be.
a misty graveyard, a morning drive down
unknown roads. the fog is rolling just like
the wheels on the bus going round
and round as we ride towards
in movies, fog means something.
there’s a monster in the trees, a secret
in the breeze a meaning to the storm.
i don’t think it means anything anymore.
it’s just another inconvenience on the
drive to work, another honked horn and
narrowly missed accident on the big highway
near my house and i wonder
how the fuck am i not dead yet?
am i crazy?
no. i’m just lucky. the fog hasn’t eaten me yet.
but it’s always there.
fuzzy brain fuzzy vision fuzzy mold growing
on the loaf of bread i only just got last week.
wait, has it been that long already?
time isn’t real. i’m not real.
the only thing that’s real
is the fog.
and you can’t even touch it.
you can’t touch me either. there is only
water and air where a human
used to be. if i was ever
i’m not sure i ever was.
i’m not sure what being human means.
maybe the fog is human. maybe
the storm is human. maybe humans
are the fog. maybe humans are
the storm.
maybe humans are the worms.
fog so thick you can cut it with a knife
like tension. like moldy bread. butter it and
serve it with a smile and maybe you can
convince yourself it’s not rotting.
i smile at you with black gums.
you smile back.
you don’t know i’m rotting
you’re blinded
by the fog.
fight or flight
or freeze.
sometimes when the storm ends it leaves us
frozen, the rain
cooling into dew on the leaves and then
crystals, weighting down every blade of grass like
bags of sand on an air balloon.
icarus, don’t fly
too close. you might burn.
you might fall into the sea and drown
or you might
a picture. a moment in time. they might
paint your picture moments before you die, icarus,
but they will never remember who you were
when you used to be alive.
they will remember you
frozen, a sculpture,
a monument, a myth, a moral, a martyr
never a man.
fight or flight
or freeze.
i like hitting sandbags until my knuckles bleed.
i’m looking for the power that the government
refuses to give me. disenfranchised by my
dissociative dissonant dysphoria.
i no longer dread the name on my driver’s license.
it’s an identity, not a prison.
but there’s still signs. signs of what once was.
the past is frozen. only the future can melt it.
the present is black ice thick and deadly on the
roads, invisible so you look outside and you say
oh, the storm is finally over. and then the wheels
roll out from under your skin and you’re flying
too close to the sun and crashing too close
to the sea.
goosebumps. hair standing straight up.
fight or flight
or freeze.
you cannot run. your feet are sealed
to the floor by twin blocks of ice.
you cannot fight. your fingers are too
numb and too swollen and too red
to make a fist.
there is nothing left to do
except freeze.
for moments, for minutes, for millenia.
your cranium is your cryo-chamber,
And you’ve locked yourself in. wake me up
in two-thousand-and-twenty-four years
and tell me
have we changed yet?
have we fought?
have we fled?
or are we still
they tell me the ice
is melting. it’s getting
they tell me we need the ice,
that without it
the water will rise up from its shallow grave
and consume us, like a zombie
feasting on the flesh of its former kin.
they tell me the ice is melting.
soon it will be fight or flight,
no freeze.
will i raise my fists in defiance?
run for the stars and hope when the world ends
the storm won’t follow me to mars?
or will i sit back, iphone camera
in hand, livestream recording the
receding ice and the incoming waves?
will i fight or flight or
forget about it.
a lesson in futility.
the last stage. acceptance.
i think, like grade school, i hit
this milestone too early.
i could do something.
instead i sit back and watch
the flood.
i think this might be too much.
too many words too many drops of rain too many
revelations too many secrets i promised not to tell.
but that’s what anonymity does.
you don’t know me. you only know
my secrets.
you don’t know my storm,
you only know the flood that shows up on the news.
and you might never realize that my storm is yours
that the flood on your tv is the one in my brain
the one that i caused the one that i made the one that
started with the worms.
am i crazy?
because it’s starting to feel like crazy is just another
storm. the drop that overflows the bucket. the flood
that washes away humanity and noah get the boat
except there is no noah and there is no boat because
there is no god there is only the earth and it wants us
i wonder who god trusted to make the ark this time.
maybe no one. maybe me.
guess i should start building.
maybe tomorrow, when the rain
except i know the rain won’t stop.
maybe i want the flood to take me.
the human race ends with me, the
chosen one refusing his burden because
i stared into the past and it took me to the future
and the world is a circle.
and the world is a flood.
the continents were never meant to be apart.
maybe they were never meant to be.
maybe they’re meant to be swallowed under the sea.
maybe the myth of the sky and the earth isn’t true.
maybe the ocean and the rock have been the lovers
all along.
the sea foam kissing the cliffs.
maybe that’s why
poseidon was also the god of earthquakes.
the sea is the only thing that can make the earth shake
as they rock in their shared bed and the sky
watches on with envy and
summons a storm.
and now the sea erodes the crust.
the cliff wanes and falls.
the rain keeps coming. maybe the earth
wasn’t meant to be loved. or maybe we made her
i’m underwater.
i used to think i was drowning.
i think i grew gills.
the water feels soothing to me now.
without it,
i don’t think i’d be able to breathe.
what doesn’t kill you,
changes you. maybe not for the better,
but doubtless, you evolved.
you had to.
i had to.
we had to.
we’re the first to die in the flood and the first to survive.
wrinkled fingers. like the scrunched face of a
crying baby or the stoic face of an old man.
is there a difference between birth and death
is there a difference between living and dying?
have i ever truly been alive?
am i crazy?
i keep asking myself that. i stopped expecting
an answer.
no one seems to know.
the internet says crazy isn’t a
politically correct word, so no one is ever
truly crazy and if by some miracle they are
you shouldn’t dare to call them that.
i wonder what i am instead. maybe i’m nothing at all.
after all, corpses can’t be crazy. they can only be
the floodgates are closing now. but not quite closed yet.
there’s still some rain left to fall.
there’s still basements left to ruin.
i’ll stain and warp the hardwood floors
of your mind. so it’ll match mine.
other people describe the ruins
much better than the victims.
perhaps because those with the best stories
are the dead ones. and dead people
can’t talk.
nightmare - halsey.
i, i keep a record of the wreckage of my life.
i gotta recognize the weapon in my mind.
they talk shit, but i love it every time,
and i realize
we all feel like we are so original,
only to find that someone else expresses our
innermost thoughts
better than we can.
i've tasted blood and it is sweet,
i've had the rug pulled beneath my feet,
i've trusted lies and trusted men,
broke down and put myself back together again.
stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters,
collected the pieces and picked out a dagger.
i've pinched my skin in between my two fingers
and wished i could cut some parts off with some scissors.
scissors aren’t sharp enough.
i learned that the hard way.
graduated from scissors to stolen x-acto knives and
broken glass.
soon, nothing is sharp enough.
you crave an obsidian knife.
then nothing is sharp enough
to cut through your calloused skin
and carve out your rotting heart.
’cause kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent.
i could play nice or i could be a bully.
i'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
i’m not tired and angry anymore.
i’m one of the complacent.
even in my dreams i’m running.
never fighting. never confronting. never rebelling.
i’m not doing anything, but somebody should be.
i got no one to smile for, i waited a while for
a moment to say i don't owe you a goddamn thing
i owe you everything.
someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware,
but i'd rather be a real nightmare than die unaware, yeah.
someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware,
but i'm glad to be a real nightmare, so save me your prayers.
i was supposed to say something here.
instead i relied on you to say it for me.
i guess i should say thank you.
or maybe apologize.
sorry i wasn’t original enough. sorry you
were so much better than me. sorry i
lost my mind and died and the words
went with it.
bits of songs that i never sung,
stories that i never wrote or lived.
quotes i stole from instagram posts six years ago.
i am broken bits and pieces that other people tossed away
and i built myself from you.
all that’s left is wreckage.
send in the clean up crew
to sweep the sticks off the streets
pull bodies from the boards
wipe wreckage from ruined windows.
you are alive.
the house might have crumbled.
the pets might be lost
the tree might have fallen when no one could
hear it.
but you are alive.
you must march onward.
you owe it
to them,
to me
us, who died along the way.
us, corpses eaten by the worms
in broad daylight.
send in the cleanup crew
and scrape away the cobwebs of
unused joints or overused wires.
maybe then i’ll know what’s real.
the sky is blue for them now.
for them the storm is over.
for us, the corpses, the storm
is eternal. the sky is black like eternal night
or white like maggots eating the eyes from
their sockets.
am i crazy?
are you?
the dead skin falls like rain when i shake my head no.
my scalp burns and tingles where the storm
touched it.
i think i might be dying.
i think i might be dead.
the dead skin falls
like rain.
the storm is over. for now.
but the aftermath is just beginning.
itch. scratch. pluck. the hair
keeps coming out and there is
white pus on the ends like my skull is rotting
and the worms are there too. the worms and the
dead skin cell rain.
this isn’t how it’s supposed to happen.
i’m doing everything right,
for once.
just when i thought i was learning to survive,
i find out i’m dead. always have been. always will be.
i wonder how many of us are walking corpses in the storm,
waiting for the worms to eat us.
i’m dead. always have been. always will be.
the security, the routine of it
is soothing.
easier to be dead for all time than it is to be alive
for some of it,
fearing death at any moment.
i do not fear death. it’s already
to me. and you. and the storm.
i think the world might have ended already.
we are all just ghosts.
bound by routine,
walking through the aftermath on our way to
a workplace that no longer exists
in clothes that burned off a long time ago.
maybe we are all that’s left. specters kept alive
by social media and robotic muscle memory.
deja vu. have i been here before?
was this where i died?
was there where i lived?
am i crazy?
no. i’m dead.
dead people can’t be
they can’t be anything.
they’re just
send in the undertaker to
undertake the task of putting us
that is what comes after
the storm.
the silence.
shh. stop breathing.
i cannot hear the gaps between words.
i can only hear myself gasping for air,
lungs heaving.
shh. stop breathing.
maybe when i’m dead i’ll finally be able to listen.
dead men make good listeners.
i talk to ghosts. they listen.
i used to talk to my dead cat.
she listened.
i want to learn to listen the way they do.
never interrupting, never introducing
a story of my own halfway through someone else’s.
guess i’ll have to die first.
everything is too loud.
you cannot hear the silence
it seems like a thunderstorm
is the closest we’ll ever get,
the booming and the rain.
no one out driving. no one out playing.
it’s too dangerous to go outside.
but the wind still howls out its
mournful song.
shh. stop breathing.
sometimes i hear the static say my name.
like it knows me.
am i crazy?
yeah. i think i might be.
the noise has driven me to it.
make it stop.
shh. stop breathing.
tell me your story.
distract me from the noise.
i know i can’t write about the silence,
but i can write about you,
and that’s
the next best thing.
tell me the story
of how you died
and arrived here.
limbo is loud.
it whispers to you.
asks you if you
belong here.
i don’t think i do.
i don’t think i belong
hell is silent.
maybe i can write about that.
mouths stretched wide like a scream
no sound. only static.
the kind of silence you can get lost in
and never come back out.
silence like the earless eyeless worms
deaf and dumb and crazy.
am i crazy?
would you still love me if i was
a worm?
well you don’t love me as a man and i
can’t be a worm because worms are silent and alive
and i am loud and dead.
itching. itching like a dog or a dead man.
the rot on my foot has grown. mold. fungus. blood.
it does not itch. it does not hurt. it simply is.
red and growing and shedding brown dead skin.
i wonder what it would feel like. if i could feel.
sometimes i pinch myself just to make sure i’m still
sometimes i pinch myself and i feel nothing.
the flesh turns bloodless white with the pressure and i
wait for it to hurt but it never does.
even in my nerves there is silence. no more
electrical signals sent pulsing red hot to my brain.
i wonder if i slit my wrists would it hurt.
would i enjoy it, simply for the
pleasure of knowing that, for a moment,
i exist. i feel. i am.
only for a brief moment. then i’m
dead again.
life is just a series of deaths.
death is only separated by the little flashes of life
in between the emptiness and the lack.
language is defined by lack.
life. the lack of death.
death. the lack of life.
chicken and the egg,
which came first, which one
birthed the other and sent it
tumbling across the path of humanity,
time and space and someone’s unsuspecting thoughts.
you came first. i came first.
you died first. i died first.
we lived and we died
together. now i keep being dead while you keep
i don’t know who you are supposed to be.
some vague figure in my mind.
maybe you’re me. maybe you’re the silence,
the space between the words i can’t say, the space
between the words i do and the substance of the ones
i don’t.
maybe you’re the moments of life in between the death.
maybe you’re the moments of death in between the life.
which came first?
me or you or the life or the death?
the silence came first and it will be here after.
if a tree falls and no one hears it, is that
or is silence, like language, defined by
i am the lack of you.
the lack of blue skies and life and joy and all the things
they say make us human so i must be lacking
humanity and thus i am the nonhuman.
the freak the ghost the dead the evil the silence.
i am what you are not. i have to be. it is what
defines me.
you are alive, so i must be dead.
you are the silence that i cannot write about,
so i must be the static in between radio stations.
you cannot tell your story. so here i am. telling it.
in between the lines of my own.
it used to mean something. we used to mean something.
we used to be the silence. we used to
have something worth writing about.
now we are just noise. the dead and the silence
and the loud loud noise like screaming but hell
is silent and limbo is loud and the storm
is drowning me and my thoughts in the flood and
is it drowning you too?
can you hear me?
am i crazy?
am i dead?
i never had to ask that before. i never wondered
what it meant to be alive.
i have a heartbeat (too high)
i have a body (too low)
i have a brain (too small)
i have a spine (too twisted)
i have hair that grows (with the worms)
i have these things. but i am not them.
you can possess life without living it.
i am defined by lack. i have life, thus i cannot live it.
only by losing will i remember
the calm before.
the calm before. the worms. the thunder and the
rain and the wind and the lightning and the storm
and the aftermath and the flood and the wreckage
and the sky and the forecast and the clouds and the
eye and the silence and all the spaces between.
the dead.
amidst broken down asylum walls and
drug addled graffiti and peeling lead paint and
inhaled asbestos,
the cemetery full of unmarked graves,
bodies left to rot
stolen headstones and the hole
i crawled out of.
dial my name on the phone of the afterlife.
i will not answer. my story
is in the ringing of the phone in hades’s hotel,
the lack of spoken words.
i cannot, will not
answer your prayers.
just tell me where you are.
i do not know.
my story is here
in the worms and the storm,
blown away in the wind and across the landscape
of ones and zeros into your fingertips like the
newspaper blown out of the fallen trash can
three neighborhoods away and into
your lawn.
the headline asks
am i crazy?
that’s for you to decide. read my article and answer
my question. fill in the gaps
between the columns,
the hesitation before the words.
the words on the crossword puzzle that don’t have
a clue to guide you.
they say dead men
tell no tales.
i suppose i am the un-living proof
that is a lie.
my tale might not be told,
but it is here for you to find
in the
there is no face in the window.
1. the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee.
shelter or protection from danger.
2. an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill.
how confidently i announced
that ghosts were nothing more
than figments
of an imaginative (or perhaps deluded)
$2,000. help wanted.
i thought,
what the hell? why not?
the cameraman never dies.
it never crossed my mind
that the cameraman
could suffer a fate worse than death.
there is no face in the window.
they even provided me a camera;
some fancy gadget
they ordered off of amazon
that claimed to be able to record
the paranormal.
it was heavy. i figured if a ghost came at me,
i'd go down swinging 300 dollars
worth of equipment at their dead face.
we saw nothing.
honestly, as much of a skeptic as i was,
i've always hoped something
(or someone)
would prove me wrong.
as we walked through the hallways,
grainy, dim-lit footage marking our path,
i found myself hoping:
show me something, anything.
we marched along for hours,
with a kid four years younger than me
narrating the scene.
"12:34 p.m., eastern standard time...
no signs of any activity yet. my name is
kevin schumer, i'm here with my crew
and tonight we are joined by..."
he pauses.
"the cameraman," I finish,
which prompts a few uneasy giggles.
yep, that's me,
the eternal watcher.
i see and i record
for posterity.
there is no face in the window.
we were there until four a.m.
our eyelids had grown heavy.
our livestream had exactly one viewer.
perhaps that was why
i felt like i was being watched.
nothing had happened. no doors
had slammed, no windows broken.
we were alone.
yet i could not shake the feeling...
there is no face in the window.
i drove myself home.
headlights lit up the parking lot.
yellow lines. black asphalt.
then darkness again
as i made my way up
three flights of stairs
to my apartment.
my lights refused to turn on.
a power outage? or had my power
been cut?
i did not know. i was too tired to care.
tomorrow, my check would hit
my account
and then i could solve the problem
of late rent.
i laid down,
in nothing but boxer shorts,
awaiting the release of sleep,
and found that
i could not hold my eyes shut.
a feeling was sinking into my spine
like a numbing injection
and i found myself tingling with
some unseen awareness.
i was being watched.
there is no face in the window.
it has been
three weeks
since i had looked outside
that night
to reassure myself
that i was alone.
there is no face in the window.
yet the feeling did not leave.
it only grew.
more and more, i believed
i was hunted. haunted.
there is no face in the window.
each night i check the door,
the closet, the bed, the window—
wait, the window—
(one last desperate cry,
the moment before the mind
it has followed me home.
now i will follow it home.
to my sanctuary.
to my asylum.
i am the face in the window.
you will feel me watching,
just as i felt it.
when you look outside tonight,
do not trust your eyes. trust
your instincts.
there is a face in the window.
Thoughts Held At A Distance
i refuse to hold you close to me,
afraid of commitment and intimacy.
the feelings that dwell in my heart beguile
and i know deciphering them will take a while.
it's not fair to make you wait
while i chase my thoughts as they dissipate.
i'll keep my thoughts held at a distance
until i solve the problem of our coexistence.
the way forward is far from clear,
but i know someday i'll take you away from here
and my distant thoughts will instead be by my side;
by my feelings i'll be no longer mystified.
Chapter 28: The Best Laid Plans
This is a bad idea.
“I know you’re struggling, Gareth, but trust me. I know what I’m doing,” Olban said, gritting his teeth. He was muttering under his breath, so as to avoid Gareth’s dad hearing him.
I agree with Gareth, Eloise said. This seems like it’s destined to fail.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Eloise. Now be quiet. I need to focus on Mr. Wilks.”
Eloise wanted to protest, but luckily for Olban, she didn’t.
“So,” Gareth’s dad says. “What’s next up on the agenda? Teeth pulling? The rack? Maybe my wife will break my ribs again? Oh, sorry, I forgot. You never repeat the same torture twice. Maybe my son will rip my entrails out. That would be new and exciting.”
If it was possible for Gareth to wince without a physical form, he did. Although he didn’t voice the thought aloud, there was a growing pit of anxiety in his stomach: What if Dad never trusts me again?
Where are you planning to take him, Olban? Gareth asked. You said somewhere safe, but…
Olban gritted his teeth. Eloise, tell Gareth that I’m taking him to Master Stell’s workshop. All his tools are there, and I can probably find something I can use. I can’t keep talking out loud.
Eloise relayed the message, but not without some bitterness. It felt like this was all she was good for. Relaying messages. Things kept going wrong, and it was all her own fault. And she was helpless to stop it. Gareth and Olban seemed to be doing all the work.
Gareth was struggling with similar feelings. Here was his dad, so close to being saved, and Gareth couldn’t do anything to help. He couldn’t even talk to Olban— he had to rely on Eloise.
Olban, too, felt hopeless. He’d never been good at navigating others’ emotions. Now he was expected to restore sanity to a broken man. What was Master Stell thinking, trusting him with this? Eloise was more empathetic. Gareth was certainly closer, and more knowledgeable about his father. Olban was the least capable. Yet here he was… in charge.
Each of them felt more alone than ever. Each of them worked hard to hide their feelings from each other.
Brian Wilks was beginning to breathe heavily. He was not used to walking. Although his injuries had been mostly cured, and he was relying heavily on Olban for support, his endurance had been shot. It would be a long time before he’d be able to achieve the active lifestyle he once had.
Olban noticed. Finally, he stopped. He knew if he kept pushing Brian like this, he'd practically be living up to the expectation of torture.
“Ah,” Gareth’s dad said. “So… this is where it’ll happen.” He looked around, taking in the setting with vacant, hopeless eyes. Olban did too, albeit for different reasons. He needed to make sure they were far away from the Nameless One and his minions… or any other creatures that might be lying in wait. Luckily, they were in a long, flat expanse of grass. Olban hoped that would make things easy to spot if they got too close.
“We’re stopping here for the night… mortal.”
Seriously? Eloise said. ‘Mortal?’ That’s the best you can think of.
“Hey!” Olban exclaimed. “The Nameless One’s minions aren’t exactly known for their witty insults.”
Mr. Wilks continued to look around, wary of any potential threats.
“Hey, meat sack! This tent isn’t gonna pitch itself!” Olban used a trick his master had taught him to conjure a wide sheet and several stakes. Olban tried his best to mimic an evil minion’s way of talking, crude and intimidating.. It fell flat in a way that was almost comical. Still, he clung to the charade. And Gareth’s dad, if he suspected anything, gave no sign. Instead, he helped Olban set up the tent. As Olban dragged Gareth’s dad inside, the man let out a sigh.
“You’re really not one of his minions, are you?”
Olban was stunned into silence.
“I mean,” Brian continued, “you don’t look familiar. It's been hours, and you haven’t killed me, or hurt me, or even left me to rot somewhere. The worst thing you’ve called me is ‘human garbage,’ which, while I’m sure it’s a scathing insult to you, is downright tame compared to what I’ve heard in the last… how long has it been? Days? Months? Feels like years.”
Olban rubbed his fingers against his forehead. “You’re right, Mr. Wilks. We are not working for the Nameless One.”
“The Nameless One, eh? Is that what that demonic psychopath is called?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“Well, no wonder he turned out so fucked up. If I didn’t have a name, I’d get pretty damn pissed too.”
“That’s… an interesting thought, Mr. Wilks,” Olban said.
“So, if you’re not working with him, then… was it true? What you said about my son? Are you really who he’s been talking to all these years? And this is… your world?”
“Yes. I know it’s hard to believe, but—”
“These last few months, I’ve seen and felt so many impossible things, I think I’d believe anything. Hell, show me some evidence and I’d believe the earth is flat! But…” His voice broke. “If I’m in your world… and… and everyone else is still in mine… well, that might just be the cruelest torture of all.”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Wilks,” Olban said. “Getting you home is our top priority.”
And the funny thing was, despite the dimensional warfare, despite the rioting and carnage plaguing Gareth and Eloise’s worlds… Olban really meant it. He’d get Mr. Wilks home. For Gareth’s sake.
Everything else would just have to wait.
As Olban closed his eyes, he could hear the muffled sound of Gareth’s father weeping in the dark. A broken man.
Olban hoped he could live up to Master Stell’s expectations and ease Brian’s mind.
For now, though, they all needed to rest.
Tomorrow, when they arrived at Master Stell’s workshop, they would have much work to do.
The Nameless One’s voice echoed through Eloise’s dreaming mind as a landscape formed around her. It was Nice. Or, rather it used to be. Now, what she was seeing didn’t look nice at all. Eloise saw rioting, agony, cities on fire. Tears sprang to her eyes.
“Eloise.” The Nameless One’s voice was clearer now, and Eloise could hear the remorse in his voice. “I need your help.”
“My help? H-How?”
“I am doing everything I can to contain the monsters I created. To keep them trapped in my realm. But, as you can see… the strange emotional link I have with your world is causing problems. Some of these vile spirits have escaped. The mortals don’t know it, and can’t see it, but they are feeling them. War. Hunger. Conquest. Death. Despair. Pandora’s box has been opened, and Eloise, I believe you, with your experiences, are the key to solving it. You are torn between worlds. Seal that rift, and we might be able to stop global decimation.”
Eloise felt a crushing weight in her chest. “But… I’m stuck here. I can’t help.”
“That is where you are wrong. Yes, you are here now, but… your ties to your original form cannot be erased. You could return to your body. Your home. Use what you have learned to fight against my creatures, in your realm. Let Gareth and Olban fight here, while you fight there. It might be the only way.”
“I… I don’t know. What about Gareth and Olban? I can’t just leave them. I…”
“I understand. Think about it. But remember that time is ticking. The rest of the Council and I are doing the best we can to hold back the hoards. But we can only do so much for so long.”
The view of Nice, her birthplace in ruins, vanished, and Eloise sank back into dark, dreamless sleep, with only a looming, subconscious dread to signify that anything had changed.
When Olban awoke, he felt as if he was jolted awake by some electric terror. He quickly swallowed the feeling and looked around. Mr. Wilks was still asleep. Good. He needed the rest, after everything he’d been through.
The sun was only just starting to show over the horizon, a thin sliver of light painting the sky in shades of pink and gold. Olban took in the view. Nothing in Gareth’s world had ever compared to the beauty of this world.
He became aware that Eloise was awake, but she stayed silent. Eloise was thinking about the Nameless One’s offer, and about her home.
She decided not to bring it up.
She’d come to a conclusion on her own, one way or another.
“I think it’s about time we wake up Mr. Wilks,” Olban said, as Gareth joined them in the waking world. “We need to get moving.”
He kept the source of his urgency a secret. He didn’t want to scare them by mentioning the strange, dark shadow that he’d seen on the horizon… a familiar shape, but one he didn’t like. It reminded him of the Nameless One’s minions. With their master subdued… how would they react? Where would they go? What havoc would they inflict upon the universe?
It was even more important that they made it to Master Stell’s workshop. Because if the Nameless One’s minions were here… it meant the boundaries between worlds were weakening. And that could either prove to be a useful step in their plan… or it could mean the entire universe was about to unravel.
Either way, Olban needed to talk to Master Stell. He knew this was a problem he couldn’t solve on his own.
In fact, he wasn’t sure it was a problem he could solve at all.