a garden,
filled to the brim with flowers of every color
an treasure chest poking up from under the sand
with images of a love that used to be and objects that tell their story
a forest, dark and scary
nightmares come to life within
inspiration is everywhere
i find mine in the little things
my heart, split open
bleeding on everyone and everything around
my mind, that constantly spins in circles,
overthinks everything i have ever believed
my face, and its every expression
the image of every thought i have
the poems i've written
the memories i've made
the people i've loved
the people i've lost
the places i've been
the places i long to go
and all the other things that make us human
because inspiration is everywhere as long as we keep finding it
You're still out there
But in my mind it feels like you're dead.
My heart grieves you as much as it did
When one of my closest friends really did die.
I know how that sounds
How I'm downplaying his death
Because you're still alive
We ended, but it wasn't your end.
You're still here, or there rather
You didn't go anywhere.
You still live five minutes away,
I just can't come to your house, no matter how near.
I miss you dearly,
And my heart yearns for you
Part of me wants to throw away everything I have
To let it all go in hopes of a part two.
I wish we would have made it work
I hate feeling like we left it incomplete.
But maybe it's for the better
Maybe it was the only way to save me.
I hope that though I lost you,
And I lost all the dreams of you and me on a beach
That I gained something valuable
I hope I figure out how to be me.
I want to love and to laugh
I want to finally be content, to be satisfied.
But I think I have to move on
From this point on, I can no longer cry.
I have to put you in the past,
And never look back.
I have to just keep moving forward,
And it's you I have to thank, you taught me that.
Christmas Without David
"Holly, come downstairs! The Elmore's are here."
The Elmore's are my mom's friends. My brother David was always their favorite, but he's gone now.
I go down the stairs, not wanting to seem rude, but not in the holiday spirit since losing David.
About halfway down the stairs, I hear his voice. "David?" I whisper.
He turns around and says, "Where have you been Holls?" with a grin on his face as if he hasn't been dead six months.
I'm crying and hugging him while both sets of parents look concerned.
"Why is she calling me David? I'm not David!"
When We Meet Again
The gentle flame ignites once more,
the shape of your face contorting in the dim light,
turning to shadows as you whisper softly.
The grotesque grin on your face is enough to induce nausea,
my stomach churns as your words fall flat.
They’re lost on me,
I’ve no strength but to stare across the table.
I see your mouth moving but hear nothing you say for a long moment.
Some of your words finally break through the haze-
It was all you.
It was always you.
I’m suddenly on the cold, hard floor.
I’m shaking violently,
tears fighting to escape my tightly pinned mouth.
You’ve sewn my lips shut.
You’ve told your last stories about me.
Should have made the last one count.
You silenced me for good this time.
I sit up,
stunned by how good you suddenly look.
Your face turns beautifully perfect,
like when I first met you.
You hug me,
and I lean into your strong embrace.
That’s right.
You’re okay,
You’re mine.
I allow myself to be your puppet.
I am yours.
And it all goes dark again.
You Never Go Away
Lately your scent has been following me,
lingering when I need it the least.
Your smile haunts my dreams,
making me happy in ways I can't describe-
until I wake up.
I thought the dreams of you were gone for good,
that the images of the two of us
would stop flashing in my mind,
teasing me about what could have been.
I thought I was done missing you.
I wasn't.
Today I feel unsure.
Of my place in the world,
the one person I thought I truly loved,
I'm starting nursing school soon,
but I just need a sign
that after three years trying to choose a career,
I have chosen something that will bring you glory.
And I need a sign to stay,
to keep fighting for this love,
even though I am only fighting myself.
Today I pray for peace,
tomorrow, answers,
even if you decide that the decision must come from me.
I just need guidance,
because I can't go back to who I was,
when I was always unhappy,
and self-sabotaging.
I want to keep moving forward,
if only to further your kingdom.
i don’t want to win
It's always a contest
in the darkness of my mind.
I'm always scheming,
trying to find a way to win.
Of course,
the contest is only real
inside of me.
No one else knows
what thoughts are swirling.
I use this contest
to make myself happy.
But it does the opposite.
I retreat further and
into myself.
I let my emotions run
but keep them contained.
I used to be the kind of girl
who would write a poem
about how she felt
and show it to whoever
made her feel
the way the poem described.
I can't even
admit half
the thoughts I have
even to a pad of paper.
I've been in this contest
since I can remember.
But what if winning
means losing myself?
Every shred
of who I used to be.
Because winning this
wretched contest,
pretending like I don't care,
like everything in the world is perfect,
might just cost me everything.
The way we once were
We're not the same as we once were.
I've been reading through our messages-
the ones where you said I was yours forever,
where you made me feel like I was beautiful,
where you said you wanted to hold me until I fell alseep,
because you knew that nights get hard sometimes.
And I saw the ones where we'd joke-
about the future, about you and me,
maybe a family together someday,
our future house, future jobs.
We were going to have it all.
The messages are making me cry,
more than usual tonight, like we're actually over this time.
I really hope you still read them too,
the "I love You's," the "See you tomorrow's,"
even the "screw you's," when we'd laugh and joke everyday.
I miss being able to tell you things and not feel bad about it.
I miss our old vibe,
where it was you and me against the world no matter what.
I wanted forever with you, and I thought you wanted it too.
We were all in, until we weren't.
It feels like we're strangers again, to be honest,
after how close we once were, the life we had planned out.
I had my whole career planned, and you wanted it all for me,
plus you by my side through it all, no matter where life would take us.
I want that for us.
I want all that love, plus more.
My Life is You <3
I feel selfish for reaching out to you again.
Maybe we're better off without each other.
I don't think I'm ever going to find out.
I spend every day thinking about why I can't be happy with him.
It's because I'll always love you.
I used to think you were the one before the one.
Not anymore, because now I'm sure you're THE one.
I can never stop thinking about you.
I can't stop dreaming about you at night.
And I definitely can't stop missing you.
After all this time, I'd still give anything.
I would do absolutely anything to spend forever with you.