intertwined as one
the sun and the moon
are the big two
on the endless sky above our heads
they meet every year but they never touch
sharing warmth and light
with the vaguest of caress
now you and me...
we are just their descendants
that not only get to collide
in each others spheres
but also love, touch, and stay
we get to make a home
in each others hearts
in each others souls
in our bodies that constantly crave one another ,
I am a moon child of a summer's night, my dear
colored with stormy seas
and wildflowers on my lips ,
and you are Apollo's favorite daughter
made of amber
chocolate and honey hues
a warrior of many battles
and a protector like me,
your embrace matches mine, Apollo's child
and my moonlit fingers
intertwin perfectly with yours
my love,
in the end we are not solely our parents
we are our own
a brand new light and warmth
that deserves to be loved
my stormy oceans call upon you
and can only rest among
your universe's vast amber hues
once upon a time (before the winter gained its warmth)
once upon a time
I was just a hollow tree
I was both the empty space ,
and the wind that danced between the fractured trunk
a home once so full of life
completely abandoned
with just echoes remaining
( small sounds
to fill the existence around me )
the wind was singing to me
but I had no strength in my arms to cradle it
oh how much I wanted
to keep it warm
but there was no heat in me to give
one of many melodies this heart sings of
it is one of my heart's desire
to be nestled into you without end
for I am the warmest there
filled with the most calm
being by your side has found me in surrender
and it was one of the rare moments
in my life
that I had NO reason to fight
and maybe I had said it way too many times
but surrendering to you... to us
in those moments when I lay by your side
it always has the same flavor
the same taste
somehow, it always feels like coming back home
“whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same”
my muscles ache
and my soul cries out for you
it needs you close
this body of mine yearns to rest in your embrace
but it is my spirit
that constantly calls out your name
( that has not changed - it called for you
even when it did not know
how you feel
just inches away )
my being always cried for you,
and rebelled against the injustice caused by the lack of your presence
but now it is even LOUDER
singing about you after days spent in the turquoise depths
of the water
that soothed us both.
and after joining in our little sanctuary
by the ocean and sand,
it cannot stand the distance it has away from
your fingertips,
from your skin,
your touch
oh how it HOWLS at the most random moments
I am unwell
disconnected in the world I live in
breathing too shallow, too mundane to suffice
when the only time I can breathe deeply is by your side
this soul is lost even after given the map to its home
its pieces are not in place
I am a dislocated shoulder
constantly throbbing for you
I am unwell
without the warmth of my February sun
a winter's warmth glow
that carries heat throughout the year
I feel how you ache for me
and it's a pain that hits me double
as it is a pain that is also my own
it is the same
this ache filters through every layer of my skin
it vibrates in my muscles
it is a constant cacophony of sounds rushing through my bloodstream,
I do not speak all of this often
actually it is quite rare
but what you say with words
I say with my stare
I sing in the silence in-between that I know you sense
and hear it in a way
I am unwell
I function,
I attend life,
I attend people
the air in lungs is without any damage, that is true
and yet, in the end, I seem to be covered with tiny holes
a stained colored-glass letting in light
but not holding in warmth for too long