First Day
The first day of school is rapidly approaching. I returned on August 1st and have been prepping in between the torture of all the PD days crammed in over the past two weeks.
I put the finishing touches on my room yesterday in anticipation for the return of the little people. I'm praying for all the students and teachers everywhere as they walk through the doors into a new year. I pray for the safety of all. I pray that the kids have a challenging positive learning environment. I pray that all the teachers remember their "why" for being there.
Fire and Peace
The world around us is on fire and here I am just writing this poem feeling numb
To the left, to the right, doesn't matter which way I look
I got to be honest I am seeing people acting dumb
The things they say and do has got me all shook.
I am so tired of bad behavior and bad news stories
I feel as though I cannot breathe
Weather, groceries, utilities, gasoline and bills - yeah we got plenty of worries
Overwhelmed, yep, but we just can't give up and put on a mourning wreath
We have to be like Taylor and shake it off
There is certainly work to be done
Needs to be plenty of room for all at the trough
A mind in search of peace is a battle that must be won.
When you said y'all would have all our power on by Wednesday, you flat out lied.
Day six looks like it's fixin' to turn into day seven - what spin you going to weave next?
Don't make promises you can't keep...leave that to the loco politicians
Here's a tip don't give an interview with a thermostat right behind you either...
Not a good look, it's not one that hot and angry Texans appreciate.
I know we cannot control Mother Nature as she is fickle.
Beryl was a beast that whipped winds like I have never heard nor seen from any Hurricane.
The mishandling of a bad situation well, y'all got room for improvement.
The "Be Someone" mural on I-45 is legend, and now there's a new kid in town
and it can be found under I-10
Kudos to the artist who expressed "CENTERPOINTLE$$"
Well done.
The Box
The box was marked all over with "fragile" and to "handle with care."
I could tell by its travels that little mind was paid to those stamped words that appeared everywhere.
Despite the weathered appearance it was sitting there.
A little tattered and somewhat battered. Definitely the trip had left it banged up and a bit worn.
Every mile and every obstacle it encountered were apparent on its surface. Curiosity had me.
I wanted to peer into that box
below the surface of its exterior
to the contents that were held within.
It felt as if I was going to expose more than what perhaps the size of that box could contain.
Once opened, would I be able to close it?
I lifted it and gave it a gentle shake
there was no rattle or weight.
Slowly I went ahead and peeled back the protective layers of tape
and was totally surprised when I realized.
The contents of that box held my life
Clear memories of both long forgotten ones as well as those closely held.
Tears from joys and painful heartbreaks
laughter unleashed
precious moments of things cherished
choices - the should'ves and the should nots.
Words expressed that were said in regret and regretfully those never spoken.
Everything in that box.
Puzzled by the stamps of "fragile" and to "handle with care."
Because I saw hurts and some pains that I had been through and some that I caused.
It was then I realized this is life...it's fragile and we do need to handle it with care
but we are built by grace to endure whatever comes our way.
The box is my shell...my vessel in my travels
The contents are my memories, choices and opportunities both taken and missed.
The tape so securely holding it all together not ever allowing it to fall completely apart
represents that of my ever-loving protective Father. He is what keeps me together.
Life is fragile
we encounter hard experiences and hurts, yet they do not break us
For he who created us holds us in each moment.
Cherish the joys, look back to the hardest battles behind you because you made it through.
Memories to be made await you. Life is meant to be lived.
I swore after losing my two German Shepherds, Sam and Brandy within eleven months of each other, that I could never ever go through that deep pain again. They had long blessed lives where they loved large and knew that they were loved. One day it just hit me, why would you not want the blessing of a dog in your life? Life is short and filled with so many trials...We hear constant chants of "live your best life." How could I possibly do that without the joy of a dog?
I met my girl, Houston, when she was four weeks old and picked her up at 8 weeks. She is beautiful, bright and simply a joy. She is well behaved, and yes, she would protect me with all her might. She has blessed me in so many ways that I just can't begin to tell you. I truly don't know what I would do without this precious being.
A dog is simply one amazing heart who loves you unconditionally during your good days and bad days. No matter what kind of day you had - they make it better. These darlins' are always happy to see you, and they celebrate you every time they look at you. Talk about your ride or die true blue companion - it just doesn't get any better. She goes to doggie daycare.... and yep, I didn't see that one coming, but while I am at school she can run and play with her buds. We are living our best lives...
Today, my girl Houston is celebrating her second birthday! I give thanks daily to share this life with her. Hug a dog - it is good for your soul. Say a prayer for those dogs, cats, and all animals waiting for their forever family.
Green to Blue to Red
These green eyes have seen an awful lot
Somethings I really wished I had not
I have born witness to times that were of the best
While other events truly put me to the test
I tell my students that no new technical find
Can ever replace the wonders or the power of their mind
Kids can't spell and are struggling to read
Corporations peddle the latest "best way" not for the benefit of the child, but for their own greed
They tell you; you cannot fail a child you must move them on
what happens when they become grown and they face the world in a whole new dawn
By this practice they are being set up for failure by just pushing them on to the next grade
For those children I am heartbroken and truly very afraid.
Back in my day if I failed that was my score
It is certainly not like that anymore
Teachers are not there just to collect a check
We care and trust me we feel as if we are on a ship that is certainly bound to wreck.
Our system is in trouble
Left to this we will be fighting to dig out of the unjust rubble
Educators are fleeing a broken system
We want change and accountability is their anthem.
These eyes of green have turned and began to fade
to that of another shade
from green to blue to red
what ever the color tears are shed
Faith and Beyond
Faith tells me that the Lord created all. All things come from His calling them into existence. My belief is very simple, and it is what works for me. I believe having a relationship or not with Christ is a personal and individual experience for us all. I, like everyone have experienced storms, tragedies and trials. I have been going through some difficulties over the past few months. If my foundation was based on myself or that of this world...I would have long crumbled, however, my foundation is not built on "sand", but is built on the "rock." He is my anchor.
I do believe God knew us before we were formed. He knew the choices and actions that we would make, nothing comes as a surprise to him, and that despite our many shortcomings he loves us and offers forgiveness if we ask. In the majesty of all his creations, he gave us free will. We can choose to believe or not. Accept or reject, the choice is ours. It is certainly not mine to condemn another's beliefs or one's non-belief.
I think about the great love that he chose to give...he who was perfect and without any sin loved his children enough to take on their sin. That is powerful. His death was beyond brutal. His empty tomb and resurrection are victory over death. I praise him and I thank him. He is my Lord.
I have no doubt in my heart or my mind that I serve a living God who is ever present. There are things that occur in our world that we just do not understand....there is evil among us, there are wars and so many injustices. Things that are not clear will be made clear. I just hold faith.
I pray, I believe in his presence, his tender mercies and every grace he lovingly gives. I know when I call upon his name, he knows my need. I know he is with me in all things. I cannot possibly nor properly express enough praise or gratitude to God.
My personal belief is that when this life closes, we go into His arms in that moment. I honestly, do not know the process from that moment on...but believe in His word. I am at peace with it because I have accepted him as my Savior and that I walk by faith not by sight. I believe in full heart he is with us throughout our lives - before we were formed, our first breath and every moment in between including the final breath drawn here on this earth. While the shell of the body is laid to rest our soul lives on, it is eternally with Him.
Cowboy Rides Away
Cowboy hat pulled down with collar straight up, hand on the trigger, walking right into whatever the next adventure life holds. His steps measured realizing the power of luck isn't so much in his corner, as it's more situational. The thing about situations is they change on a dime. Sometimes we walk in tall cotton other times life is cattywampus. Life is what it is, until it isn't.
When I asked where he was headed, he looked at me and half grinned stating, "I figure north is a direction and south is just a lifestyle." He disappeared. Vaya con Dios.
Loving eyes angered and reflective of flames
His offer of grace, mercy and forgiveness often ignored
People throughout the land continue to play their insane games
Yes, the actual decline and separation of the lowly human has soared.
We go through our days
Choices and options before us often lose out
to what comes down to our desires or just easier ways
The abundance accumulated by the means of the world is lost by a self-inflicted drought
We are not without hope for he has a plan, it's never forced, but offered for redemption
Nothing brings more joy than that lost child finding the way back home
The joy of that sheer sweet moment of surrender and salvation
Never more to stray, never more lost to roam.
We walk by trial and tribulation
Consumed by the worldly generated fire
We are given absolution
That gift that can only be from a power higher
We are cleansed.