my mind built a room safe from danger,
away from rejection, from every known
and unknown fears to keep me safe,
a perpetual sanctuary;
i peered out the little window,
where light poured in and showed
me all the things that were wrong
and yet so right, contradictions
and the chaotic beauty that coexists
outside of us and within us,
because to be alive means accepting
that nothing is fool proof,
that we are fallible and prone to
mistakes, a collection of
scraped knees and bruised
elbows, the devastation of a
broken heart, the countless tears
that sting our eyes and the
screams that echo in our ears;
are the remedy to feeling whole,
because despite the little voice
that begs us to stay, we leave and
our spirits are full because we dared
to venture outside of the padded
walls that were created to keep us
safe for a life of uncertainty, there
are no regrets outside these walls;
only beginnings.
I like the comfort of being lost in crowded places,
not because of the anonymity
but because of the humanity;
it reminds me of what it means to be alive,
the expanse of the space swept in the
infinite motion of the present -
to exist, here with you, me and everyone
with hopes and dreams, heartache and pain,
unknown and sheltered from the outside
world, too tender to heal, to breathe, to expel
wonderful and mundane, just moments,
because everything we know and love
are a culmination of moments,
starting now.
what is there to tide us over in times of grief or desolation if not for memories? unforgotten pasts colored in the moments that exist, colliding with the metaphysical realities that exists within our brilliant minds, palpable, tangible, hold them close and feel them in your bones, hear their mellifluous laughter echoing in your eardrums, and feel their soft kisses placed every so gently on your face, remember the smell of their cologne before it fades, lost into the spaces that fill the holes of our existence. to remember is a gift because memories are all we have left once the dust settles and the silence rings deaf in our ears.