Digital vs Analog
There are those who say analog records just sound better than digital CDs or streams of music. When all is dissected, no one can really tell much difference. So why this media legend?
I've come to the conclusion that it's a biological proclivity, not one of perceiving fidelity. We prefer analog as comfortingly human.
Consider this: as AI matures, the "thinking" being programmed is that of "fuzzy logic," the back-and-forth between the limits that narrow and hone in on a solution. That is as human as the back-and-forth of our tympanic membranes, as sound waves (analog vacillations) strike them.
Thus, we are evolved for analog, yet we embrace the digital as our technology evolves. CDs beat out the hertz limits of records, so there the tech went. It is absolutely fascinating that the digital machinations are gravitating to analog, e.g., fuzzy logic, while our human endeavors are gravitating toward digital perception.
This is as ironic!
Analog ("wavy") humans are seeking the digital; digital computing is seeking the analog. So it is as paradoxical as it is ironic.
Considering my basis for this conclusion—hearing—we know that the movement of ear drums mimics (mirrors?) the oscillating waves striking them. These are fluid movements. But digital is not fluid. Digital involves delivery of all-or-none packets (viz., 0s and 1s). This is like the double-slit quantum experiment when a force is delivered as both waves AND particles.
We are creatures of waves; we navigate the universe on the tides of flow and ebb. Is it any wonder that analog embraces us better; that analog just seems friendlier? Is that why analog seems to sound better? Or is that it just sounds more human? More comforting? Like the nurturing of a lactating mother.
But what do I know? I'm a hopeless romantic, and that's how lactating mothers got into my rant, here.)
Don't misunderstand me. I like my "devices." They're pretty and they're fun, and they make the camaraderie of writing on such vehicles as Substack possible.
I see a picture of a lover's respite under the tree. Now THAT is analog. I see a picture of persons consulting their digital streams. THAT is NOT analog. As we embrace discrete packets of information and abandon the wave of what's human, we venture off alone.
Ah yes very funny. My mother is many things but that which you claimed in your impromptu MOMMA joke, seems as though you barley were able to fully remember nor postulate even though you've chose that specific limerick'ish a time or twoo many against other's Mother's.
So while it may or may not be true,
We both know for certain
YOUR Mother, as unfuckable as she was and is
Somehow scammed her way into the Gene pool just like Grammy taught her, And, by an absolute near impossibility
Let her 1 non-reptilian 'egg' get woo'd by the literal least likely to fertilize-thee-egg sperm out of the 100s of dozens that weren't allowed to suicide with the rest when they saw what awaited them at the end of the tunnel.
You, won the lottery twice my fellow sperm.
Once, when you figured out how to operate as a single cell organism
Then again
When you made the call that Daddy wasn't tricking all the single cellies with some rusted sock or muddy hole in the ground and that THIS was it! the big chance (with the added bonus of the trip being 75%+ shorter than anticipated for reasons, not really science related like wormholes, but kind of)
So My mother, double breasted & not a fan of any type of Marlboro, yes
she is a what have you
And your's, itShe
Has managed to come into contact with a total of 1 ejaculation in her 25,000+ days here
And my God from that came..
(stares at him waiting for an answer which does eventually come, "me?")
Ah I'm just pokin your eye here ya go buddy. (Hands the well traveled wallet condom he's had in there since that Highschool health class)
Don't go spending it all in one place now