"And also Real Cool. And also Real Good."
"Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
"And Furthermore, and also Moreover, and also in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satire, Parody, and Literature, and Writings,
also that Fellow Man, and also that Fellow Human, and also that Fellow Person said,
Paraphrased, and Summarized, and
Abbreviated, And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And Maybe for example.
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Re. Mo. ., Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. . Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. .
Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . , Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. .,
Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. .,
Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. ., Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. .,
Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . , Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called".
"Some of More my writings, jokes, satire, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, ab. 2 or 3 y. Ag. Ok. Sure? Sure? Ok. So-cal.
Br. In. Fellow Re. Bnj. Ca. Xi. Ok. 1. No. Ab.2. No. Ab. 3. No. Ab. 4.no. ab. No. 5. no. So-cal.
ab. So-cal. Cal. Of.Sure? Fo.For.B.Ba.Ext.Des.Ge.as. Good."
And Perhaps for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. .
Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. . Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . ,
Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. ., Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. .,
Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. ., Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. .,
Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. ., Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . ,
Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called". And Perhaps for example.
And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"And the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President(M.P.), that Fellow B. .
And the Fellow so-called Chalice(that Fellow Chaqu.) and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President(M.P.), that Fellow B. .
And Fellow Energies. And Fellow so-called Spo. Co. And Fellow so-called Magic. And Fellow so-called Magical. And Fellow so-called Supernatural. And Fellow
Lifesaving. And Fellow Vital. And Fellow National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Priorities. And Not so-called S.L. 3(Three) out of 3(Three).
And Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Your Organization, and Your Group, and Your Civilization Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our Organization,
and Our Group, and Our Civilization Not Exterminated and Destroyed.
And Your Organizations, and Your Groups, and Your Civilizations Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our Organizations,
and Our Groups, and Our Civilizations Not Exterminated and Destroyed.
And Fellow Energies.
And Fellow Resources.
And Fellow Work. And Fellow Energies.
And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present.
And Fellow Future. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Saved. And Fellow Archived. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Direct Works(D.W.).
And Fellow Derivative Works(D.W.). And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Technologies. And Fellow Materials. And Fellow Stuff. And
Fellow Strong, Strength, Loyalty. And Fellow Protect, Shield, Guard. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Protect.
And Fellow Shield. And Fellow Guard. And Fellow Shielded. And Fellow Guarded. And Fellow Protected. And Fellow Healed. And Fellow Cured. And Fellow
Recovered. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Resilient. Fellow Resounding. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smart. And Fellow Cunning.
And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Talented. And Fellow Skilled. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smartly. And Fellow Cunning.
And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Industrious-like(I.L.). And Fellow Business-Like(B.L.). And Fellow Financial-Like(F.L.).
And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Fidelity. And Fellow Fiduciary.
And Fellow so-called Bounced Back(B.B.). And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty.
And Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Storehouses.
And Limited. And Tangible. And Intangible. And Ethereal. And Tangible. And Limited Quantities. And Limited Amounts. And Fellow Numbers.
And Fellow Letters. And Fellow Symbols. And Fellow Signs. And Fellow Alphabets. And Fellow Realm of Possibilities(R.O.P.). And Fellow Quantities.
And Fellow Real Critical Mass(R.C.M.). And Fellow Real Heavy-Laden(R.H.L.). And the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President,
that Fellow B. . And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources.
And Fellow Work. And Fellow Energies.
And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present.
And Fellow Future. And Fellow so-called Big Picture. And Fellow so-called Holistically. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
And Fellow so-called Anchors. And Fellow
so-called Anchored. And Fellow so-called Acting Studios(A.S.). And Fellow so-called Acting Stages(A.S.). And Safe and Sound, and Very appropriate,
Bluffing, and Teasing, and Joking.
And Safe and Sound, and Very appropriate, Joking, and Satire, and Parody. And Safe and Sound,
and Very appropriate, so-called Vac. ., so-called Inoc. ., so-called Acclim. .
And Fellow so-called Comedy Studios(C.S.). And Fellow so-called Comedian Stages(C.S.). And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. (Fellow B. Shelved that Me. . Fellow B. Shelved that Me. . ab. 20 or 30 y. ag.
And also Fellow B. Would have Cu. that B.Sp.? No. No.
No. Naye. Naye. Vetoed by that Fellow B. at that Time. Vetoed by that Fellow B. at that Time until about 2(Two) or 3(Three) years later.
And only about approximatley Zero Point
Seven One out of One or Two or Three. (Only approximately about 0.71 out of about 1(One), or 2(Two), or 3(Three).) Tac. about
20 or 30(Thirty years ago) by that so-called alleg. so-called "Former.G.
Hi.Mo.Exterminated.Exterminated.Dest.Mo.Exterminated.as.". (Just doing that Very Good and appropriate Stuff. You know what I'm talking about? Manning Up.
And Acting Correctly. And No Excuses at all. And None of that. And None of that Very Long Nonsense. And Manning Up. And Acting Correctly.
And Not Making Any Excuses at all, especially Very Long Duration.
And Not trying to Parse Words, especially Very Long Duration. And Not trying to Play Little so-called Word and/or Mind Games, especially Very Long Duration.
And None of that Very Long Duration Extreme Fool Shame(F.S.). And None of that Very Long Duration Extreme Incompetence. And Maybe for example.)
And also That is Very Irrelevant(Irr.) and that is Very Not Relevant(N.R.),
(so-called Ledger Sheet One(1.) out of Two(2.) ), that that was Widespread
such as what Hap. to that Former D.e. of the Former so-called Fo.oth.Rjas.Ext.Dest.Rjas. or that Former A.G. of the Former so-called Fo.oth.Pro.Ge.Ext.dest.
pr.g.as.), or that R.S. of that Fo.other.Ext.Dest.Jkus.as.)
Moreover, And also by about a Third(about 30(Thirty to 40(Forty) Percent), that Fellow B. would have Not
have Healed and Cured that Fellow B. at that Time(about 20(Twenty) or 30(Thirty) years ago), approximately about then re. that so-called "Former.G.
Hi.Mo.Exterminated.Exterminated.Dest.Mo.Exterminated.as. And Therefore, Not approximately about One(1.) out of about One or Two or Three, and
instead only about Zero Point Seven One(0.71) out of about One or Two or Three. And Fellow Time Management Number 2 and 3. And You saying Me?!! No. No.
And Them saying Me?!! No. No.
And You saying Us?!! No. No. No. And Them saying Us?!! No. No. No.
And None of that Very Long Duration High R. T. And instead, Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management Number 2(Two) and 3(Three).
And Fellow so-called Anchors. And Fellow
so-called Anchored. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
And Fellow Very Long Duration.
And the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President, that Fellow B. .
And the Fellow so-called Chalice and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President, that Fellow B. .
And Fellow Energies. And Fellow so-called Spo. Co. And Fellow so-called Magic. And Fellow so-called Magical. And Fellow so-called Supernatural. And Fellow
Lifesaving. And Fellow Vital. And Fellow National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Priorities. And Maybe for example."
"And, for example, We have Fellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(out of Five). And Fellow so-called So. . And Fellow so-called N. .
And Fellow M., and Fellow Je., and Fellow Cre. And Maybe for example.
And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, "So-Called." And Perhaps for example."
"And, for example, We have Fellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(out of Five). And Fellow M., and Fellow Je., and Fellow Cre.
And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, "So-Called." And Perhaps for example."
"Some of More my writings, jokes, satire, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, ab. 2 or 3 y. Ag. Ok. Sure? Sure? Ok. So-cal.
Br. In. Fellow Real Bnj. (Probably No Real doubt about that.) Fellow Real Bnj. Ca. Xi. Ok. 1. No. Ab.2. No. Ab. 3. No. Ab. 4.no. ab. No. 5. no. So-cal.
ab. So-cal. Cal. Of.Sure? Fo.For.B.Ba.Ext.Des.Ge.as. Good."
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Re. Mo. ., Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. . Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. .
Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . , Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. .,
Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. .,
Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. ., Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. .,
Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . , Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called".
And Perhaps for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"In addition to Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop. Alleg. Ext.
Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion(alleg. Rul.(1 ou. of ab. 3) No Fo.other.as. so-cal.
'Int. Sys. Tr. Bac. Do.as.', of Course, and Rul. (2 ou. of ab. 3), No so-cal. Fo.oth. so-cal. 'Spr. Mul.as.', of Course, and appro. alleg. Rul. (3 ou. of ab. 3),
Ma. Ca. for that so-cal. Re. would hav. be ab. alleg. ab. so-called ab. 97.1 Quadrillion pl so-cal. onl. ab. 32.1 Tril. And of Course, o.
alleg. so-called alleg. Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al. Fo. oth. so-cal. Fo.oth.Bo.Bi.Co.as. and Maybe fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Pl.Wor.Glo.Te.Lan.as.
and May. fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Spa.Warsh.as.
For. Examp. And Warni.Cau.Al."
"And To Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop.
Alleg. Ext. Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion o.
alleg. so-called alleg. Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al."
"And To Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop.
Alleg. Ext. Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion o. alleg. so-called alleg.
Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al."
"In addition to Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop. Alleg. Ext.
Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion(alleg. Rul.(1 ou. of ab. 3) No Fo.other.as. so-cal.
'Int. Sys. Tr. Bac. Do.as.', of Course, and Rul. (2 ou. of ab. 3), No so-cal. Fo.oth. so-cal. 'Spr. Mul.as.', of Course, and appro. alleg. Rul. (3 ou. of ab. 3),
Ma. Ca. for that so-cal. Re. would hav. be ab. alleg. ab. so-called ab. 97.1 Quadrillion pl so-cal. onl. ab. 32.1 Tril. And of Course, o.
alleg. so-called alleg. Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al. Fo. oth. so-cal. Fo.oth.Bo.Bi.Co.as. and Maybe fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Pl.Wor.Glo.Te.Lan.as.
and May. fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Spa.Warsh.as.
For. Examp. And Warni.Cau.Al."
And also for what that's Worth. And also Miscellenous. And also Misc. . And also in other Words. And also so-called. And also for instance.
And also for example. For ex. . For example. For ins. . For instance. Misc. Miscellenous. Etc. Et cetera. And synonymous. And for what is was worth. And for what is
Worth. And different so-called Definitions. And different so-called Meanings. And so-called. About then. Not about then. approximately about then. Continued.
Continued. Volumes. Versions. Editions. And those Volumes. And those Versions. And those Editions. Relevent. Very Relevent. Very Irrelevent. Irrelevent.
Who cares? And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Life happens to be Very Easy. And Life happens to be Very Non-Complicated(N.C.). Especially Very Long Duration.
And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And of Course. And that is a so-called Given. And that is so-called Apparent.
And that is so-called Obvious. And that is so-called Obviously. And that is approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent or More. And that is approximately about
50(Fifty) Percent to about 100(One Hundred) Percent. And that is Real Critical Mass(C.M.). Past. Present. Future. And a Real Defineteness. And a Real Clarity.
And a Real Purpose. And Fellow Real Value(R.V.). And Fellow Real Worth(R.W.). And Real Priorities. And Real National Security(R.N.S.). And Real Country Security
(R.C.S.). And a Standard of Decency. And, for example, at the approximately about the so-called Very Least a Standared of Decency(S.O.D.) (And also that
Censored, Censored, Fellow State and Country Secrets).
Fellow Citizen. Fellow Citizen. Fellow Kin. Fellow Kins. Fellow Kinsfolk. Fellow Citizens.
And, for example, at the approximately about that Very so-called Least a Standared of Decency(S.O.D.)
(And also that Censored, Censored, Fellow State and Country Secrets). (And also those Stages and those Phases One(1.) out of about (Three) (3.).
And also that Fellow B. Born---Fellow 3, 4, 5(out of Five), Survivors alleg. from Fellow 3, 4, and 5(out of Five)
so-called alleg. Just approximately about 5(Five in Number)
Fellow so-called J.Me.,
and so-called alleg. approximately about Just 5(Five in Number) Fellow so-called Adv. Me..
Those Stages and Phases 2(Two) out of 3(Three) Safe and Sound Ac. Up. Tal. ab. Cance. for the First about 1(One) or 2(Two) hours, Millions, and
Billions, and Trillions of years ago. Maybe alleg. so-called Only about
One(1.) or Two(2.) Percent of so-called Our Populations would have Surviv. . And instead those Stages and Phases that 3(Three) out of that
3(Three). (And No Morta. Si. 6 out of 6(Six) here.) And instead those Stages and Phases that 3(Three) out of that
3(Three), and especially for the first approximately about Eight(8.) or Nine(9.) years from about the beginning, approximately about Millions, and Billions,
and Quadrillions of years ago. (And No Morta. Si. 6 out of 6(Six) here.) And instead those Stages and Phases that 3(Three) out of that
3(Three). And You are Welcome. And You are Welcome. And, of Course, Very Excellent, Fine, and Good.
And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.
Fellow Citizen. Fellow Citizen. Fellow Kin. Fellow Kins. Fellow Kinsfolk. Fellow Citizens.
And Real Prioritized. And Reality. Reality. And about None of that Very Long Duration Nonsense.
And that is so-called Common Sense(C.S.). And that is so-called Inborn Knowledge(I.K.). And that is so-called Inherent Knowledge(I.K.).
And that is so-called Intrinsic Knowledge(I.K.).
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Real Mo. ., (Probably No Real doubt about that.) Fellow Real Mo. .,
Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. . Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. .
Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . , Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. .,
Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. .,
Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. ., Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. .,
Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . , Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called".
And Perhaps for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"And, for example, We have Fellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(out of Five). And Fellow so-called So. . And Fellow so-called N. .
And Fellow M., and Fellow Je., and Fellow Cre. And Maybe for example.
And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, "So-Called." And Perhaps for example."
And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups,
and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example."
"And also Real Cool. And also Real Good."
"Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
"And Furthermore, and also Moreover, and also in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satire, Parody, and Literature, and Writings,
also that Fellow Man, and also that Fellow Human, and also that Fellow Person said,
Paraphrased, and Summarized, and
Abbreviated, And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And Maybe for example.
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Re. Mo. ., Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. . Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. .
Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . , Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. .,
Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. .,
Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. ., Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. .,
Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . , Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called".
"Some of More my writings, jokes, satire, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, ab. 2 or 3 y. Ag. Ok. Sure? Sure? Ok. So-cal.
Br. In. Fellow Re. Bnj. Ca. Xi. Ok. 1. No. Ab.2. No. Ab. 3. No. Ab. 4.no. ab. No. 5. no. So-cal.
ab. So-cal. Cal. Of.Sure? Fo.For.B.Ba.Ext.Des.Ge.as. Good."
And Perhaps for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. .
Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. . Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . ,
Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. ., Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. .,
Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. ., Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. .,
Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. ., Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . ,
Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called". And Perhaps for example.
And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"And the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President(M.P.), that Fellow B. .
And the Fellow so-called Chalice(that Fellow Chaqu.) and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President(M.P.), that Fellow B. .
And Fellow Energies. And Fellow so-called Spo. Co. And Fellow so-called Magic. And Fellow so-called Magical. And Fellow so-called Supernatural. And Fellow
Lifesaving. And Fellow Vital. And Fellow National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Priorities. And Not so-called S.L. 3(Three) out of 3(Three).
And Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Your Organization, and Your Group, and Your Civilization Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our Organization,
and Our Group, and Our Civilization Not Exterminated and Destroyed.
And Your Organizations, and Your Groups, and Your Civilizations Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our Organizations,
and Our Groups, and Our Civilizations Not Exterminated and Destroyed.
And Fellow Energies.
And Fellow Resources.
And Fellow Work. And Fellow Energies.
And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present.
And Fellow Future. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Saved. And Fellow Archived. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Direct Works(D.W.).
And Fellow Derivative Works(D.W.). And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Technologies. And Fellow Materials. And Fellow Stuff. And
Fellow Strong, Strength, Loyalty. And Fellow Protect, Shield, Guard. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Protect.
And Fellow Shield. And Fellow Guard. And Fellow Shielded. And Fellow Guarded. And Fellow Protected. And Fellow Healed. And Fellow Cured. And Fellow
Recovered. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Resilient. Fellow Resounding. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smart. And Fellow Cunning.
And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Talented. And Fellow Skilled. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smartly. And Fellow Cunning.
And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Industrious-like(I.L.). And Fellow Business-Like(B.L.). And Fellow Financial-Like(F.L.).
And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Fidelity. And Fellow Fiduciary.
And Fellow so-called Bounced Back(B.B.). And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty.
And Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Storehouses.
And Limited. And Tangible. And Intangible. And Ethereal. And Tangible. And Limited Quantities. And Limited Amounts. And Fellow Numbers.
And Fellow Letters. And Fellow Symbols. And Fellow Signs. And Fellow Alphabets. And Fellow Realm of Possibilities(R.O.P.). And Fellow Quantities.
And Fellow Real Critical Mass(R.C.M.). And Fellow Real Heavy-Laden(R.H.L.). And the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President,
that Fellow B. . And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources.
And Fellow Work. And Fellow Energies.
And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present.
And Fellow Future. And Fellow so-called Big Picture. And Fellow so-called Holistically. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
And Fellow so-called Anchors. And Fellow
so-called Anchored. And Fellow so-called Acting Studios(A.S.). And Fellow so-called Acting Stages(A.S.). And Safe and Sound, and Very appropriate,
Bluffing, and Teasing, and Joking.
And Safe and Sound, and Very appropriate, Joking, and Satire, and Parody. And Safe and Sound,
and Very appropriate, so-called Vac. ., so-called Inoc. ., so-called Acclim. .
And Fellow so-called Comedy Studios(C.S.). And Fellow so-called Comedian Stages(C.S.). And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. (Fellow B. Shelved that Me. . Fellow B. Shelved that Me. . ab. 20 or 30 y. ag.
And also Fellow B. Would have Cu. that B.Sp.? No. No.
No. Naye. Naye. Vetoed by that Fellow B. at that Time. Vetoed by that Fellow B. at that Time until about 2(Two) or 3(Three) years later.
And only about approximatley Zero Point
Seven One out of One or Two or Three. (Only approximately about 0.71 out of about 1(One), or 2(Two), or 3(Three).) Tac. about
20 or 30(Thirty years ago) by that so-called alleg. so-called "Former.G.
Hi.Mo.Exterminated.Exterminated.Dest.Mo.Exterminated.as.". (Just doing that Very Good and appropriate Stuff. You know what I'm talking about? Manning Up.
And Acting Correctly. And No Excuses at all. And None of that. And None of that Very Long Nonsense. And Manning Up. And Acting Correctly.
And Not Making Any Excuses at all, especially Very Long Duration.
And Not trying to Parse Words, especially Very Long Duration. And Not trying to Play Little so-called Word and/or Mind Games, especially Very Long Duration.
And None of that Very Long Duration Extreme Fool Shame(F.S.). And None of that Very Long Duration Extreme Incompetence. And Maybe for example.)
And also That is Very Irrelevant(Irr.) and that is Very Not Relevant(N.R.),
(so-called Ledger Sheet One(1.) out of Two(2.) ), that that was Widespread
such as what Hap. to that Former D.e. of the Former so-called Fo.oth.Rjas.Ext.Dest.Rjas. or that Former A.G. of the Former so-called Fo.oth.Pro.Ge.Ext.dest.
pr.g.as.), or that R.S. of that Fo.other.Ext.Dest.Jkus.as.)
Moreover, And also by about a Third(about 30(Thirty to 40(Forty) Percent), that Fellow B. would have Not
have Healed and Cured that Fellow B. at that Time(about 20(Twenty) or 30(Thirty) years ago), approximately about then re. that so-called "Former.G.
Hi.Mo.Exterminated.Exterminated.Dest.Mo.Exterminated.as. And Therefore, Not approximately about One(1.) out of about One or Two or Three, and
instead only about Zero Point Seven One(0.71) out of about One or Two or Three. And Fellow Time Management Number 2 and 3. And You saying Me?!! No. No.
And Them saying Me?!! No. No.
And You saying Us?!! No. No. No. And Them saying Us?!! No. No. No.
And None of that Very Long Duration High R. T. And instead, Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management Number 2(Two) and 3(Three).
And Fellow so-called Anchors. And Fellow
so-called Anchored. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course.
And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
And Fellow Very Long Duration.
And the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President, that Fellow B. .
And the Fellow so-called Chalice and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Master President, that Fellow B. .
And Fellow Energies. And Fellow so-called Spo. Co. And Fellow so-called Magic. And Fellow so-called Magical. And Fellow so-called Supernatural. And Fellow
Lifesaving. And Fellow Vital. And Fellow National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Priorities. And Maybe for example."
"And, for example, We have Fellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(out of Five). And Fellow so-called So. . And Fellow so-called N. .
And Fellow M., and Fellow Je., and Fellow Cre. And Maybe for example.
And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, "So-Called." And Perhaps for example."
"And, for example, We have Fellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(out of Five). And Fellow M., and Fellow Je., and Fellow Cre.
And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, "So-Called." And Perhaps for example."
"Some of More my writings, jokes, satire, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, ab. 2 or 3 y. Ag. Ok. Sure? Sure? Ok. So-cal.
Br. In. Fellow Real Bnj. (Probably No Real doubt about that.) Fellow Real Bnj. Ca. Xi. Ok. 1. No. Ab.2. No. Ab. 3. No. Ab. 4.no. ab. No. 5. no. So-cal.
ab. So-cal. Cal. Of.Sure? Fo.For.B.Ba.Ext.Des.Ge.as. Good."
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Re. Mo. ., Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. . Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. .
Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . , Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. .,
Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. .,
Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. ., Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. .,
Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . , Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called".
And Perhaps for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"In addition to Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop. Alleg. Ext.
Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion(alleg. Rul.(1 ou. of ab. 3) No Fo.other.as. so-cal.
'Int. Sys. Tr. Bac. Do.as.', of Course, and Rul. (2 ou. of ab. 3), No so-cal. Fo.oth. so-cal. 'Spr. Mul.as.', of Course, and appro. alleg. Rul. (3 ou. of ab. 3),
Ma. Ca. for that so-cal. Re. would hav. be ab. alleg. ab. so-called ab. 97.1 Quadrillion pl so-cal. onl. ab. 32.1 Tril. And of Course, o.
alleg. so-called alleg. Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al. Fo. oth. so-cal. Fo.oth.Bo.Bi.Co.as. and Maybe fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Pl.Wor.Glo.Te.Lan.as.
and May. fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Spa.Warsh.as.
For. Examp. And Warni.Cau.Al."
"And To Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop.
Alleg. Ext. Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion o.
alleg. so-called alleg. Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al."
"And To Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop.
Alleg. Ext. Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion o. alleg. so-called alleg.
Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al."
"In addition to Fo.oth.Go.Moc.Zi.as, also alleg. ab. Ze. Per.(less than ab. Zero Po. On.(less than ab. 0.1) of so-cal. Ou. Pop. Alleg. Ext.
Ve. Lon. Du. Ra.Tr. Alleg. Rec. by Fo.Se.J.K.Us.as, we. so-cal. Onl. ab. 89.1 Quadrillion(alleg. Rul.(1 ou. of ab. 3) No Fo.other.as. so-cal.
'Int. Sys. Tr. Bac. Do.as.', of Course, and Rul. (2 ou. of ab. 3), No so-cal. Fo.oth. so-cal. 'Spr. Mul.as.', of Course, and appro. alleg. Rul. (3 ou. of ab. 3),
Ma. Ca. for that so-cal. Re. would hav. be ab. alleg. ab. so-called ab. 97.1 Quadrillion pl so-cal. onl. ab. 32.1 Tril. And of Course, o.
alleg. so-called alleg. Ou. Gr. and Or. Warni. Cau. Al. Fo. oth. so-cal. Fo.oth.Bo.Bi.Co.as. and Maybe fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Pl.Wor.Glo.Te.Lan.as.
and May. fo. Ex. Fo.oth.Spa.Warsh.as.
For. Examp. And Warni.Cau.Al."
And also for what that's Worth. And also Miscellenous. And also Misc. . And also in other Words. And also so-called. And also for instance.
And also for example. For ex. . For example. For ins. . For instance. Misc. Miscellenous. Etc. Et cetera. And synonymous. And for what is was worth. And for what is
Worth. And different so-called Definitions. And different so-called Meanings. And so-called. About then. Not about then. approximately about then. Continued.
Continued. Volumes. Versions. Editions. And those Volumes. And those Versions. And those Editions. Relevent. Very Relevent. Very Irrelevent. Irrelevent.
Who cares? And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Life happens to be Very Easy. And Life happens to be Very Non-Complicated(N.C.). Especially Very Long Duration.
And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And of Course. And that is a so-called Given. And that is so-called Apparent.
And that is so-called Obvious. And that is so-called Obviously. And that is approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent or More. And that is approximately about
50(Fifty) Percent to about 100(One Hundred) Percent. And that is Real Critical Mass(C.M.). Past. Present. Future. And a Real Defineteness. And a Real Clarity.
And a Real Purpose. And Fellow Real Value(R.V.). And Fellow Real Worth(R.W.). And Real Priorities. And Real National Security(R.N.S.). And Real Country Security
(R.C.S.). And a Standard of Decency. And, for example, at the approximately about the so-called Very Least a Standared of Decency(S.O.D.) (And also that
Censored, Censored, Fellow State and Country Secrets).
Fellow Citizen. Fellow Citizen. Fellow Kin. Fellow Kins. Fellow Kinsfolk. Fellow Citizens.
And, for example, at the approximately about that Very so-called Least a Standared of Decency(S.O.D.)
(And also that Censored, Censored, Fellow State and Country Secrets). (And also those Stages and those Phases One(1.) out of about (Three) (3.).
And also that Fellow B. Born---Fellow 3, 4, 5(out of Five), Survivors alleg. from Fellow 3, 4, and 5(out of Five)
so-called alleg. Just approximately about 5(Five in Number)
Fellow so-called J.Me.,
and so-called alleg. approximately about Just 5(Five in Number) Fellow so-called Adv. Me..
Those Stages and Phases 2(Two) out of 3(Three) Safe and Sound Ac. Up. Tal. ab. Cance. for the First about 1(One) or 2(Two) hours, Millions, and
Billions, and Trillions of years ago. Maybe alleg. so-called Only about
One(1.) or Two(2.) Percent of so-called Our Populations would have Surviv. . And instead those Stages and Phases that 3(Three) out of that
3(Three). (And No Morta. Si. 6 out of 6(Six) here.) And instead those Stages and Phases that 3(Three) out of that
3(Three), and especially for the first approximately about Eight(8.) or Nine(9.) years from about the beginning, approximately about Millions, and Billions,
and Quadrillions of years ago. (And No Morta. Si. 6 out of 6(Six) here.) And instead those Stages and Phases that 3(Three) out of that
3(Three). And You are Welcome. And You are Welcome. And, of Course, Very Excellent, Fine, and Good.
And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.
Fellow Citizen. Fellow Citizen. Fellow Kin. Fellow Kins. Fellow Kinsfolk. Fellow Citizens.
And Real Prioritized. And Reality. Reality. And about None of that Very Long Duration Nonsense.
And that is so-called Common Sense(C.S.). And that is so-called Inborn Knowledge(I.K.). And that is so-called Inherent Knowledge(I.K.).
And that is so-called Intrinsic Knowledge(I.K.).
"And also, for example, Fellow Mo. ., Fellow Real Mo. ., (Probably No Real doubt about that.) Fellow Real Mo. .,
Fellow Ca. . Fellow Me. . , Fellow Bn. . Fellow Wr. . Fellow U. ., Fellow Ch. . Fellow Ja. . Fellow Qua. .
Fellow L., Fellow At. ., Fellow Do. . , Fellow Ps. ., Fellow J. . Fellow N. . , Fellow Hu. ., Fellow Hi. ., Fellow Wri. ., Fellow Ro. . , Fellow Mi. .,
Fellow Kn. ., Fellow Mu. ., Fellow Ath. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Bl. , Fellow Mod. ., Fellow H. ., Fellow Fav. ., Fellow Sw. ., Fellow Du. ., Fellow De. .,
Fellow Fo. ., Fellow Vo. ., Fellow Je. ., Fellow Ca. ., Fellow L. ., Fellow I. ., Fellow Au. ., Fellow Me. ., Fellow Br. ., Fellow Sp. ., Fellow P. .,
Fellow Bul. ., Fellow Co. . , Fellow Ca. . .Fellow Bl. , Fellow Am. . Fellow H. . And Maybe for example. And Perhaps, "So-Called".
And Perhaps for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And also Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
"And, for example, We have Fellow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(out of Five). And Fellow so-called So. . And Fellow so-called N. .
And Fellow M., and Fellow Je., and Fellow Cre. And Maybe for example.
And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, "So-Called." And Perhaps for example."
And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups,
and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example."