The Middle
I'm kind of in-between lives right now
this is the after greatness & before more greatness life so
I'm not really too worried about this one, what I do, when I go
my next life will be ready when it's ready and will guide this meaninglessness into the nearest obituary where this life's pain will make the next one's triumphs that much more... _____
So when life pays me back with lemons I say, squirt them bitches in my good eye n send me the bill so that
when I'm given the throne in my next life
An Ieye can weep what it had sowed
Wanna lose weight BUT don't want ozempic farts or to deal with sketchy gym dealerships?
Hair. Grows after we're dead just like nails so get rid of em both.
Every follicle of hair n nail removed adds up.
Donate plasma and blood. Water weights a bitch
Here's where it gets real easy for you
We got too many and even more that don't work like they once did
Lose a ling a kidney and a tonsil or two bam
We're hitting your goal weight and we haven't even broken a sweat
Eye balls
Do you really NEEED depth perception?
Are you planning to breast feed?
Teeth.. theoretically, vaneers are better than the phlegmy mediocrity you haven't flossed since TV's had antennas
We can just take those all out by the root aannnnd
Are beautiful!
Tell your friends...
Tell your fami-....
Go ahead and just kill yourself so your next of ken can hear about us and hop on that free trial
Ink under finger nails
Asked a friend how he protected himself growing up in an area as the only white kid on the school bus and one of two at the whole school
"One pocket has been lined with foil to have about a handful of my family reunion's leftover
Potato Salad my Aunt Pauline made that she had salted only the top layer of (and made sure to include a warning post it next to it about it potentially being too spicy so eat with caution).
The other pocket has a watch that has satellite precision down to the nanosecond for every Time-zone's on Earths correct time of day.
Soo both my pockets contained the ultimate cryptonite."
Damn that's an impressive strategy
"Yeah I still got my ass beat regularly, they just sent the other white kid in blackface."
This just in
The mythical "Clitoris" has been spotted on the first Human Female in over a century!
In other news, pitchforks and torches in the surrounding area have sold out and price gougers in the neighboring towns have begun lining the streets on the roads leading to the alleged clit women's place of living
Tune in HERE to view the burning LIVE
To see if the crisped body Sinks
If it swims
All to be determined by our brave and mic'd up
MAN in the BOAT
WELL Johnny
See this here is Crack
The first thing I like to do and you'll find you should too
Is to sprinkle jussst a little bit onto the carpet oh especially in that spot over there where both are the same color so it camouflages
Johnny didn't think much of this tradition and assumed it's like when you piss on the ground wether have to pee or not
For the dead homies
Later that night when Johnny could only hear shouts & cries with loud thumps and erratic breaths
Johnny realized their was no more crack left
Johnny thought about if Dead homies would actually want their starving thirsty friend to not survive using the urine on the ground as means to make it until better times come and tried translating that to his predicament.
Johnny stopped thinking about how selfish that would be of the dead homies
Johnny combed that carpet feeling like a gold rusher and new he'd always sprinkle some dusts before the new scores get puffed
Johnny regrets the shag carpet but has plenty of scissors ready to be called to action
Is a good boy
laughing all the way to the
Thr cemetery groundskeeper dug out the headstone with a sandy finish in the old side of the graveyard's pre indoor plumbing wing.
"The first and only human
To be confirmed to have died from SPONTANEOUS Combustion!"
Groundskeeper looked around waiting for someone to laugh with him at this preposterousness
He laughed to himself which turned into him having to really collect himself more than once before finally continuing the monotony of maintence on the dead and forgottens.
"Richard N.
The groundskeeper thought and then began to lose his mind in a hysterical fit that not even the subtle incoming droplets of rain could cool off
He felt urine begin to flow freely *- ZAAAP _
A Quick poof that crackled, heating the headstone for a moment- came and went before the grave marking hit the ground it was taken from
The headstones engraved 3rd and 4th words faded with the wind