Challenge Ended
Pitch Meeting
Imagine you are all in a room, sitting around a long oval table. Everyone here belongs to a company that spews out best sellers every other day. It’s kind of like a record label but for writers. Every single person in this room has won some sort of prestigious literary awards. We got Nobel prize winners. We got Pulitzer winners. Some own the Booker prize. This company is no joke. Every year the head of the company (which is yours truly) chooses a writer with the best concept for a book. I walk in the room and sit in the end. I look around at all these esteemed writers. I point at YOU. Everyone knows you are the one with the best track record of best sellers. You are the only one who has won 2 Nobel prizes in literature. Nobody compares to you in writing. You are a household name with so much money. At this point you only do it because you love it. I point at you knowing I don't even need to hear the rest. i point at you and say "Give me your concept". You stand up with unpenetrable confidence and you say......
Ended September 13, 2018 • 0 Entries • Created by Thrashford