A twist on writing prompts.
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Create or enter.
$1,000 Haiku Challenge
Write a haiku about anything.
And we mean anything.
Winner will be decided by likes.
Give us your best, or favorite, 5-7-5 syllable opus to cover rent, or make a dream date.
Lift us, drop us, make us laugh, cry, marvel, be inspired...you get it.
Oh, and refer someone new to Prose. to participate in this challenge with you and get a $1 credit.
May the best piece win.
Ends July 1, 2025 • 45 Entries • Created by Prose
Trident Media Group is the leading U.S. literary agency and we are looking to discover and represent the next bestsellers. Share a sample of your work. If it shows promise, we will be in touch with you.
Please include the following information at the end of your post: title, genre, age range, word count, author name, why your project is a good fit, the hook, synopsis, target audience, your bio, platform, education, experience, personality / writing style, likes/hobbies, hometown, age (optional)
Ends August 20, 2050 • 464 Entries • Created by Trident