Sometimes I wish my body was empty
Light like a baby bird's
I wish I could float across the snow
An angel shivering in white
To have small mountains rise on my skin
Feel cold in a warm room
For my shoulders to resemble peach fuzz
And my nails to be forever painted blue
Sounds beautiful...a beautiful lie.
The truth is chunks of hair falling out
Busted knuckles
The taste of acid in your mouth
It's dizzy spells
And a constant calculator
Failing organs
And concave spaces between your ribs
Sunken eyes with bruised rings
The truth is death.
It's not bubblegum lips
Or sharp tongued words
It's lonely nights
And stomach cramps
Hunching naked over a toilet with your arms wrapped around your waist like a venomous hug
The smell of vomit shouldn't be your perfume
Your slit skin shouldn't be an accessory
This illness isn't a friend
It's a nightmare.
Wake up.