Double Take
I partake in a double play feature
depending which way you look
I'll be your guide describing the way the world you entered
is to be played, see theirs wise men & fools
slaves and masters, kings that reign and kings who cause disasters
It all depends, how you play & what you're truly after
I'm your guide in your darkness in the light
I AM all you need to make the wrongs Right
I'm your enemy I'm your destiny all depending
on how you choose to remember me
I'm nothing but an image a clever design created
to reflect all you hold inside
I am nothing
so don't take me so personal,
I'm only a persona
of what you choose to see
You are forever if you use me to set yourself free
I'm just a memory soon to fade away
when the end comes, it's then no longer you need to see me
for now, you see the key held in your hand
wondering how you received this treasure
you trace back to see; you were always forever free
alive aware you just for a moment lost the key to see
eternity is your resting place, where I won't be seen
for I'm only found in a memory to remind you
You're lost ; to find you at all cost;not to be left behind
I saw you clearer than blue sky-I'm your mirror
reflecting all you attempt to hid and all the beautiful
Light you can't find
I'm only here and alive if you remember
you only will remember if you forget
its then I'm with you till the very end
A dream you vagile see when you truly hold the key
this story which never ends, for the end; is just another beginning
with a quicker bend, sent to do it again
from me to my friend this story cannot be buried or
ever too heavy to carry
don't worry little light of mine
everything will be alright!!