Featured challenge:
Why do you write?
(100-200 words)
Winner's response will be published in Quail Bell magazine.
Why I Write
I write because I have to. It's an obsession I've been taming for 15 years.
I write because I want to be good at it. Even if I know perfection is an illusion.
I write because it gives me a sense of identity. It gives me a sense of purpose.
I write because I want to ponce about saying I'm an artist, writer, and poet. It makes me feel special.
I write to keep myself sane. Sometimes it feels like my thoughts could split an atom.
I write because sometimes I'm inspired. My mind flows with beauty today.
I write so my voice can be heard. In a world full of 7 billion people it's good to make a quiet noise.
I write because I'm a fruitcake. My flavor adds to the world.