In An Effort To Contradict (a response to A Minimalist Approach by liescence)
In an effort to contradict those around me, and that person I do love most,
I offer only the statements of a rebel,
who really is no good at being a rebel,
(and never will be any good),
to say that a million things do make a man,
including himself,
but most certainly not only himself,
and only that reaction if you are to say
that it is his reactions to the world
that make him make himself, himself.
But is it not the hands of those,
whom we have passed through,
in our course of life upon the waves,
that have shaped us like the potter at the wheel?
Surely, we have created ourselves many times,
within our own known and result,
but haven't we formed, at least in part,
by others when we were too young,
and too unaware, to have formed anything ourselves?