To the Casual Voter
I bet you're wondering where and how the election came to this. How is it that in the richest and most successful nation in the world, we- the people- are forced to choose between two candidates of equal corruption and self interest? Must we choose between a presidency where more than half of our population will be deported, scrutinized, and assaulted; or choose a presidency where nothing can be taken for truth? The idea is frightening, but it's false.
The media and previous election have taught us that the only people we can vote for are candidates handed to us by the GOP or DNC. This is false. We are a democracy. Our nation was founded upon the idea that individual citizens like you have to power and ability to discern right from wrong, and choose right. It is the greatest weapon we have against corruption and tyranny.
It is understandable that some who read this may genuinely believe that Trump or Clinton are good and decent candidates. There will always be people who cling to the establishment. But for everyone else, I dare you to be bold; I dare you to take a stand. Use the power of your vote to change the outcome of this election. Vote for Sanders; Vote for Romney; Vote for Johnson, or Stein, or anyone else you can think of that honest and shows an inkling of intelligence.
If not to sway the election, at least do it to send a message to Washington and the rest of the politicians you are pissed of with the job they've done. Remind them that their first and only obligation is to you, and that if they intend to keep their comfy jobs with their six figure paychecks that they need to remember that.
I urge anyone who reads this to share this with everyone they can. Remember that we can make america great again. But we have to do it. Not some politician with special interests in mind.