Pen a gripping short spool about the relationship between/amongst siblings. Categories can be: autobiographical, fairytale, horror, comedy or poetic. Please tag me in the post. 'Can't wait!
I was first-born,
My brother was not.
I strove to be perfect,
And, oh, how we fought.
Where he was reckless,
I was quite prudent.
He was always in trouble,
Yet I an A student.
I am five years his senior,
He’s just like our father.
They’re two peas in a pod,
I don’t even bother.
Differing views, so extreme,
Stopped us talking long ago.
We never agreed on anything,
When last we spoke, I do not know.
My family is quite,
The epitome of dysfunction.
So I go my own way,
Without any compunction.
I have several friends,
Who are closer than kin.
But I’m truly a loner,
Fueled from within.