In life, death is the only inevitability.
As for everything else, it's all a matter of choice.
Human error also plays a part in the turmoil that we create for ourselves.
In short, we create our reality.
Either for the better, or for the worse.
It's possible to reach a level of tranquility.
Of enlightenment.
But for this to occur, we must see the world for what it is.
All the trivialities that we build purpose around.
When it is all for nothing.
To feel the pressure escape from your head, and in it's place, a weightlessness.
This is when you know you are on your way to a higher existential plane.
When all the fear, anger, and bitterness seems irrelevant, and in a way, nonexistent.
This is when we finally realize the power that we contain from within.
When our spirit awakens from what once felt like an endless slumber.
And for the first time we realize that we are alive.
With nothing to worry about, and nothing to prove.
This is a day that all our troubles fade into obscurity,
and the day we finally find peace in life.