We were living at a time of derelicts, drunks
Outnumbered in wealth by golden gods
A fight broke out every night
It was starting to seem unavoidable
Thered be fire and stones
And blood and violence
And we were all yearning for peace
Or that’s what we told ourselves
Peace we said
As we drew the hammer above our head
We knew we were losing
It seemed like we always lost
We got used to losing,
Got used to the boiling in our blood
We started to wonder what we’d be without it
It was a time of plenty
And we felt so poor
Even the rich felt poor
Scooping the wealth closed to their breast
We were losing
It wasn’t like the old days any more
When a thought could carry us from the depths
All good thoughts were examined
nothing put down roots
Nothing stuck in the earth
And the earth dried up
It blew away on any strong wind