black and white
"You don't support gay rights? That's disgusting!"
"You don't believe in God? That's ridiculous!"
"You don't celebrate holidays? That's stupid!"
"You support abortion? Murderer!"
Robert Frost chose the road less traveled by, but he didn't mention if it was black or white. But whichever it was, apparently it made all the difference. And for me, my black and white world has to do with my observation that no matter what your beliefs and opinions are, someone is going to disagree with you whole-heartedly.
I hold many opinions in my fragile body, but I choose not to share a lot of them solely because I fear that doing so will offend someone else. It's a shame, that in a place where I'm free to believe what I want, I'm afraid to share those beliefs with others. A civil right of mine is hidden inside my mouth because, like a scripture says, the tongue starts great fires.
Black and white, one way or the other. No in-between, no middle ground. After all, it's impossible to be right when everyone is right.