Seers Stream
Broad strokes with a bright brush
paving the way for a groovy ho down
are you down?
leave your head at the door
clear channels are here
no entrance fee other than committing to be
public dance floor is alive with action
tube socks are recommended for those prone
to procrastination
if it gets slippery out there
grab ahold of an alter
say 5 hail mary's
chant 4 oms
and trice bow to allah
its a good time to be human baby
tie dye is back as are trendy hats
the band just took the stage
they won't be getting off until the 5th sun rises
pass the peace pipe to your partner
let the jives tickle toes and pose questions
considerations relevant to reverence
sins are so 1500's
get with the times
the soul tide is rising
and this break will be righteous