On Day Zero, they let him out of the white room, a bottle in hand.
On Day One, he isn’t shaking as much, feels better about this new thing he’s been trying out.
On Day Two he notices something growing, but doesn’t know what it is.
On Day Four he thinks that he’s getting better, but isn’t really sure anymore.
On Day Ten, they say that “he’s performing much better than before”.
On Day Twenty, wife says that “his eyes are becoming duller”, but he doesn’t care, since they say he’s getting better and all he wanted to do to was get better.
On Day Forty, he notices that he’s thinking less, mind runs on autopilot, maybe, something is growing inside of him that he can’t control but doesn’t do anything, since they say he’s getting better.
On Day One Hundred, they say he’s getting better, but he collapses that same day.
On Day One Hundred and One, they place him back into a white room and tell him “everything is going to be okay”, that “there must have been some issues with the____” and other confusing phrases. He doesn’t care and agrees to let them do whatever they want.
On Day Negative One, they let him out of the white room, a purged mind, like so many other minds purged and set free into the world. The bodies, hopeless and dull when sent, meant to be fixed with those white pills, but the question remains as to if they have been fixing these bodies, like so many other bodies they claim to have fixed.