Together, we can break the world record for longest book. When this challenge gets the necessary number of entries, it will expire and we will turn it into a book. Each entry will be its own chapter. Feel free to build from existing entries or write something radically different.
I guess I’ll write
The window is cold tonight, with all the fire in the streets, I thought it would be chilly. It truly was a beautiful day, you know, minus the mutilated flesh and exposed bone I had to escape from for the first half of the day, it was still strangely satisfying though. I just barely found this utility shed, thank Jed. The last few months I've questioned if this rain was ever going to stop. You know, i thought it was strange but today's been down right awkward, I think i'm prepared for anything now. I'm so tired, they keep knocking and i know they're going to get in. I don't know if I care anymore, I have to sleep. I know she's okay.