Prose Challenge of the Week #50 : With Thanksgiving around the corner, write about a conversation around the table where a family secret is unfurled. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100 and the runner-up will receive 1000 coins. When sharing to social media, please use the hashtags #itslit #getlit #ProseChallenge
Pass the Gravy
"Honey, please pass the gravy." Extending slender ligament across the table, her life-drained porcelain fingers make way for porcelain dinnerware.
"Okay, darling, here you-"
"Mom, why does Dad always use the red gravy and we have our own?" asks the mouth between two plump, pink cheeks.
"It's because he-"
"It's because I-"
"You know your daddy's special, son."
"How come Daddy doesn't like sun? Is Daddy a monster?"
Silence stirs the supper table. This moment had always hung over them, like the living room chandelier waiting to crash to the ground.
"It's time for bed, son."