Into The Wind Went Time
Long ago a baby cried,
a baby laughed,
a baby spoke,
a baby walked.
Suddenly, like a breathing wind,
the baby was gone.
Rock and Roll,
the Internet,
flashy clothes, cool friends,
all part of teenage years;
that quickly, like a breathing wind,
the teenager was gone.
College rocked,
beer parties, marijuana,
hot guys, hot girls,
part-time jobs,
and 21, now legal.
Suddenly, like a breathing wind,
the world awaits your struggle.
Forty hours a week,
a wife, two kids,
paying bills,
watching new lives flourish,
and now, thirty years seems so far away.
like a breathing wind, it’s forever gone.
Kids grown, with kids of their own;
you and your better half,
alone in a huge house.
Life starts, life ends,
life goes on constantly,
somewhere, so it seems,
but like a breathing wind,
age sweeps over us all.
Fall leaves skip over brown grass,
no one watching them drift
on a cold, wintry morning.
There, dug deep in the ground,
a granite stone with two names.
Like a breathing wind,
Dust to dust,
And the cycle never ends.