Rock, Paper, Scissors... Shotgun!
It is said, that long ago there were three legendary masters. One practised the way of the paper, another the way of the rock, and the third master, the way of the scissors. They were known respectively as Mr. P, Mr. R and Mr. S.
They dominated the land, running amok and doing as they saw fit. This went on for one hundred years on the dot, until, rumours of another master, Mr. Sh, reached the ears of the tyrants. Apparently he blew away houses and villains and sorts with a single bang and was called Mr. Sh as he silenced whoever opposed him. At least that was what people thought… No one really knew.
The trio of tyrants set off in search of this new hero, they wanted to snatch his powers for themselves. That was, after all how they became powerful.
Their investigation led them to a small cave off the coast where several houses had gone missing. They crept up the cave path, hearing several bangs as they went, to the opening of the cave.
Stepping in, they could definitely see someone was living here. They walked around, looking at various pieces of furniture as they went, before they heard a bang. BANG! Mr. P was gone. The remaining two exchanged looks and carried on. Neither of them really liked him anyway.
They heard another bang and Mr. R turned round to see that Mr. S was gone. He never really liked him either. Then Mr. R heard the scuff of a shoe and whirled round. He expected a wise sensei to be there but it was just an average middle aged guy with a shotgun.
“Ah”, Mr. R said, “That explains the ‘Sh’”.
“Yes”, Mr. Sh replied, levelling his shotgun at him, “It does”.
Then he pulled the trigger…