bAd Ac1d
John Buffer is my name. I'm looking for a girl. What's her nAme? MelissA? No. That can't be right. It is right! I need her alive. I want her dead. If she's dead why is she alive? I MUST FIND HER ALIVE. *Portal opens: Follow the red tiles. 1 tile, 2 tiles, 3 tiles.. 100 tiles, 100% to her house. How do I get in? ANd whAt r00m is she in? The key? I need a key! whaT is a key? I know, my knee! I'll kill her with my knee? No, my foot, kaboom, just broke the f<3k1ng door with my f00t! The steps! Oh G0D the steps! They lead me to my path. I hear a screammmm, pinpoint the, oummm, oumm, there she is! Come here you ugly little girl, I want to love you and rip your head off! AHHAAA, she's running. She can't run for long, powers from above, give strength to my feet so I may chase this vile creature down and SLAY HER! VROOOOOMMMMM!!!! I gotchA!! You're m1ne now! Vampire teeth sharpen so I may oumph, eat into the tasty tasty smooth skin! Feet! F1nd this girl! ahhuhahhh, circles circles circles. Red And blue. 1 hate this hu3. What the hell do you want? Hands up, you gotcha, arggghh, your flesh is in my hands now, my hAnds! Where is that MelissA? I need, oh th3r3 u are! How do I know your nAme? The sAme wAy 1 KNOW ur fAte. RUNrunrunrunrunrunRUnnnn,mmm, gotcha! I must kill this demon, hAnds 0n throAt! CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE! I see I have taken the breathe out of you, now as g0d himself, 1 hAve been Assigned the duty to put l1fe bAck 1nto u. l1f3 sw0rd, plant your s33d! r3d And blu3, h0w 1 hAte thAt hu3. w1th my r3d hAnds 1, 0mph, 0mph, omphhh. Where am I? Did I die? Where is space? What happened to time? Where's the past? Who am I? Why did I die? Am I dead? Am I deAd. Am i d3ad. am i dead. a name. jade? no its no- 33||1ssA!!!! I open my eyes. I see all white. I am stuck here. I can put up no fight. I just rhymed. That was a rhyme!! is that the k3y? What's the K3Y!?1'm trApp3d, i ne#d a K3y!!!/? Whats the key? Is it me? is it m3? is it 3m? i got the keys! where are the k333333333333333333333333333333333. why am i h3r3? 666. whAt d1d 1 3v3r d0? u k1ll3d thAt b1ch. sh3 d3s3rv3d 1t, sn0tt1 And r1ch? Anb u d3s3rv3 th1s, bAd Ac1d 4l1f3, 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666-