Significant times in our lives sometimes come out of nowhere, often at the most unexpected of times. Other times, opportunity is sought out – romance and employment are occasion that come to mind. Sometimes, the two seem to merge as if brought together by a Force greater than ourselves.
This past August an opportunity that checks the boxes in a couple of the above categories came along for me.
Two and a half years ago I was a burned-out educator. I’d just finished my fourteenth year as an elementary principal, and was running on fumes professionally and emotionally. I was so sure that the education bug had run its course with me that I bragged to my friends that I was d-o-n-e. I felt a huge relief and looked forward to doing something different. Time, and that force mentioned above (the Lord God) spoke unmistakably to my spirit and let me know without question that I was not done in the school business.
Last May, attending an end-of-year ceremony at the small Christian school on who’s Board I serve, I just knew I had to go back. Two hours of wiggling in my seat passed and I had such a desire to participate in the ceremony (uninvited) that it was all I could do to remain (kind-of) in my seat. My prayers are always that God needs to hit me over the head with His desire for me so that I will not miss out on what He has for me to do. That evening, out of nowhere, I experienced what conviction feels like and left with a spiritual pop knot on my head. I had work to do. Time to update that resume!
The goal of my summer was to find a school where I was needed and where I could use my experience and skills to make a difference by procuring a teaching position. In no way did I desire to return as an administrator, but to return to my roots – my initial calling as a classroom teacher. For now, at least.
The first of August I began Gifted and Talented training to kick off three weeks of workshops leading up to the beginning of school as a Middle School Social Studies teacher at the local school district.
I am convinced this is an opportunity with two particular facets: I hope to be able to help improve the culture of the school in some small way, and I want to be attuned to be a help to those kids, coworkers, or parents that need somebody to encourage them. I guess there is a third facet; you know, teaching the students – I have found that there is an expectation of that, too.
We have completed just over a third of the school year, and I have no doubt that I am where I should be at this time. There is a lot of work to be done, but I know that I am supposed to be in the classroom. I’ve already turned down a potential administration role – I know I could do the job, but I don’t feel that I am meant to be in that role right now.
There is such peace in knowing that I am living within God’s purpose for my life. Every time I get outside that purpose, things tend to go poorly. I must say here, that I believe that the Lord gave me a season outside of education because He knew that was what I needed at that time. In that interim period my professional, spiritual, and emotional batteries fully recharged, and I know that I am now back at home with my people – students, teachers. Educators.
Thank you, Lord, for opportunity.