It’s getting close to the end and I want to leave you with hope. Though you’ve gone through so much and you’ve got all this shit that you suddenly learned, Boy, I want you to know that you can depend on you. Trust in yourself.
When the day is long and things feel hard it’s okay to freak out. It is a distraction from your work but if you don't acknowledge those emotions they'll only serve to block your progress. Find good tools you can use to fix and appease those feelings. Go for a walk, read a funny book, call up a friend and ask them about how they're doing. Distract yourself from the situation which caused you to melt down and then return to it. I’ll bet nine times out of ten you’ll come back with refreshed eyes and say, I’m gonna do this.
You want to know the best fucking part of this plan, you’re going to fucking do it.
Now what are you waiting for?