Same old question.
'What the hell is wrong with me?'
The same question I ask myself every hour of everyday, even at 3am when i'm still lying awake.
'Why can't I just be happy? Why is that so difficult?'
I feel numb.
I eat loads, numb
I eat nothing, numb
I watch crappy films, numb
I listen to music, numb
I mess around with guys to feel some sort of passion? Love? Even hurt? Numb.
I watch red velvet blood come from my own veins, and what? Nothing..
n u m b.
I liked it better when I was happy, when was that again? Although it's merely been weeks I can't seem to remember, all I know is nothingness.
'What the hell is wrong with me?'
I'm a mess. I am nothing. Nothing but another human, made of self hate and confusion.
I beg of this world, to give me something, I just want to feel again, I just want to be normal, I want to feel.
I don't want to ask this question anymore.