An unusual story...
Mary was pregnant and Joey was an apprentice at the Local Carpenters Union. They were engaged and both came from humble beginnings. They didn't have any money, were living with family and their only transportation was an old bicycle. Joey needed to head to the main office of the Local Carpenters Union to fill out some paper work and Mary decided to come with him. She was near the end of her pregnancy but thought she would be fine. Joey had her ride the bike while he walked along side her. They got to the Union office and Joey took care of all his paper work while Mary waited out front. The trip and paper work to a lot longer than they thought it would and it was getting late. They decided to try and hurry home but it was getting late and then all of the sudden Mary's water broke. She started having intense pain and she knew the baby was coming. She needed to get to a hospital but there was no time. Joey was freaking out but knew he needed to do something. Mary grabbed onto Joey's arm and squeezed until the pain subsided for a minute. Joey saw a 76 Gas Station a little bit up the road and he and Mary moved as quickly as possible to get there. When they got to the gas station Mary could feel the child coming and told Joey to hurry up. Joey frantically said to the gas station worker, "please help me, I don't know what to do. My fiancé is about to have a baby." The employee called 911 but the baby was already crowning. The employee took them into the mechanic shop of the gas station and got some blankets for Mary to lay on. Joey could see the babies head and it all happened so fast. Mary screamed in pain and pushed and Joey caught his son in his arms. The employee from the gas station was in shock. Joey asked him to get something to clean the baby off with and also for Mary. He found some mechanic towels and gave them to Joey. Mary and Joey couldn't believe what just happened. They were parents and had a beautiful baby boy. They decided to name him Joshua and laid him in some blankets. Mean while on the other side of town three security guards were finishing their shift at local warehouse and all of the sudden a bright light surrounded them and they heard a voice say, "don't be afraid, I have some exciting news. On the other side of town in the 76 Gas Station a baby has just been born. This baby is going to change everything. He is going to make a way for the world to made right again. You will find him in the mechanic shop of the 76 Gas Station with his parents." Then all of the sudden they could see an army of angels in the bright light and then it was gone. The security guards looked at each in amazement and couldn't believe what just happened. They decided to all jump in a car together and ride to the gas station and just like the angel had said they found Mary and Joey and the baby in the mechanic shop. By this time the paramedics had shown up and were checking on Mary and the baby and getting them ready to head to the hospital. The security guards told Mary and Joey all that had happened and Mary treasured all these things in her heart. The security guards left the Gas Station and could not keep their mouths shut. They told everyone they came in contact with about what happened and people were amazed.