It always happened. The things she first finds adorable , sexy, intelligent suave and mysterious , A GATEWAY TO A LIFE MORE LIVED even, with a man she first meets, within a matter of months weeks and sometimes within the moments of a close conversation, these things always mutated disappointingly into irritating, dweeb like, completely UNCOOL, and the things that made her feel good about herself because this wondrous creature had chosen her, as soon as said wondrous creature makes his mutual attraction known to HER, his fine qualities always ALWAYS mutated into a sort of mutual losers club of two. The sound of him ( post coital ) if she had lacked the actual COURAGE to make a swift excuse when as per usual his dreamt about hand on any erogenous zone made her totally shivering ly nauseated, the sound of him eating , after she spent the night against her better judgement with him, set her teeth on edge.With the first audible CRUNCH of a piece of toast, her whole mood turned black as the abyss. Lowering her eyelashes as a curtain so as not to see his smug face, she awaited his departure! Remembering then, an old film she saw where a man smashed a grapefruit half into a woman's face at breakfast, she grimly wished for something in the fruit family that would do more damage, yet still be amusing ... not an entire watermelon , too obvious, perhaps a jail term ... A pomegranate would do nicely she decided... And excused herself to go to the farmer's market conveniently located up the street.