Demons, They’re Out There
Demons, they're out there,
Waiting to strike out in the dark,
When I lay in my bed, I can sense them,
Their voices make their way into my already troubled mind,
Their thoughts become my thoughts,
Making me wonder,
Does anyone else hear them?
Darkness consumes my mind,
I'm falling into a deep abyss,
Where there's no escape,
My dreams become nightmares,
My eyes are blurred with these tears of defeat,
Demons, they're out there,
Can't you sense them?
They love to pull at my heart,
They're tearing it apart,
Their voices screaming into my ear,
Making me doubt myself,
I fear the never ending darkness,
When darkness comes, it brings along something else,
Something that is waiting to strike out in the moonlight.
Demons, they are out there,
Waiting to strike in the dark,
I can sense them,
So why can't you,
I've screamed for you to help me,
But you just looked away,
You let them snatch me away in the dark.
Do you not care anymore,
Where is the light when all goes dark,
I'm suffocating on my fear of them,
Demons, they are out there,
They've gotten a hold of me now,
Whenever I lay in bed, they are with me,
They are out there, waiting to strike at those who oppose.
Demons, they're out there,
Be on guard for them,
For when the sun goes down,
It's time for the demons to play,
To come out and strike,
Strike out in the never ending darkness,
Demons, they're out there.....