Sitting in my tiny sky blue medal chair a mere six inches off the ground I hear snot being sucked
back into noses. I see saliva being sprayed out of mouths onto hands, then on to everything else in site. My germ tolerance is very low and all I can think about is hand sanitizer and hoping someone can teach these kids to sneeze in their elbow. My OCD seems to get worse the longer I sit here. The scent of fresh paint permeates my nostrils making the room seem new, even though the exterior of the building says otherwise. The miniature chairs are for miniature
people. They run around the classroom anxious to be filled with knowledge, soaking up everything you speak to them like a sponge. The walls make me feeling like a happy child again, teal from floor to ceiling. One wall for math with a number line up to the number six, a rectangle, square, and circle, one wall for weather, one wall for art, one with a bulletin board of scarecrow blackbirds. The windows behind the math and science wall are coated in stars that make me feel like I am star gazing. The chatter in the room is excited. The students first time in a classroom in their lives. It is refreshing like the opportunities are limitless. I can’t remember my first day of preschool but I can only hope that it was like this. The teachers seem to be even
more excited than the students. It makes me wish that I am a teacher with them. It is time to start class now so all of the students circle up on the floor and sing their welcome song. The teachers call role with great difficulty as the students simply cannot sit still.