In reading here, I often leave with a feeling of anguish and deeply troubled, I'd like to challenge those to write about being happy, hopeful (no curse words, please, you shouldn't need them)
Premarin Vaginal Cream commercial
I don't know why, maybe it's the no-kiss first type of intrusion when the narrator mentions right off what an inconvenience it is to have menopausal discomfort during intercourse. Or maybe it's the uncomfortable yet smiling faces of the women in the commercial that makes the whole experience hilarious for me, on a no-holds barred, subject-specific comedic level. Or it could be the combination of wine and whiskey from my hotel bed while seeing the commercial that makes me laugh. But the smiling faces of the women on the commercial, while awkward in or out of context, are happy, hopeful. I sit here hammered on a Saturday night: happy, hopeful.