Ahold of the Shoulder Straps
--Instantly tunnel a telescopic view –shocks! Static Pakmer. Scourge arrangements rearrange power surges keeping alight the blurring. View aligns, again ... Secret planet chambers before him, bending. Temperate fuse blows. A force that detracts swarms. Magnetized temperaments. Electrostrung, magnetic chagrins, dark ignorance separately inundated.
Chosen Pakmer.
An ancient protrusion, pustule -glows in the mushing; visions of civilizations, Atlantis; tunnel a glimpse, immense, triangulates Pakmer’s perfect view.. snuck//stream-sequence _shallow-charge-across, cloaks escalating sound [whisk between] pulses, crisp thrusts.… A lifter on one hip, hydraulic clicks. (1) mile below surface. Circuitry snaps, static rips.. Heliox connection breaks..
Mars telescopes unbelievably into fluttering view.
Curious Pakmer turns (knots throat) with both hands... glowing cog in a hub and spoke configuration. Surrounding hyper-explodes ... Naturally rotating.. . .
Frisson rifts lifts--fires phoom! shhhhhhhhizz whip, c-cuts him to particles, instincts, turns inside out, quick shudders but further onto/upon_wires/tubes -reverse through folds_overlapped in; soft blasting tunnel; twists, spinning sickly, supercharged in the excess, flashing scrambles. Reaches for the expected other side .....
.. finally awakes.. Constant beep beep-beep beep beeeeeee.. Facing slivering chunks of full-face burst. Out to froth-covered rubble, fuzz wrath unrecognizable. Vehicles. Bridges. Buildings. Equipment...? No. Rocks and stones.. – Awestruck Pakmer.
Wonders burst centuries before or after... ? A maroon sand pours and stretches over marred points, softens mountainous, neat corners, reflects fiery in electricity. Watering electrically.
Covered Pakmer... -immensely sand/fine-mold-covered. Remnants spill....- spits quickly in tubular spat froze before reaching ground. Starred.
Ahold of shoulder straps, malfunctions seine. With steps amped, ineffable charges, high resistance, visible heat streams; bending grains, dusts, surge. Soft stems and branches//petrified lightning//multitude of fulgurite blooms in a background of infinite pearls, sparks surge. Coin-flicker crests, coated rubble down the drains of arroyos . . . . All to a fine fine moss that trickles off, through Pakmers grip….