What does snow feel like? What's it like to walk outside and see a blanket of white? I mean, if that's actually what happens. Honestly, I have no clue. Never seen the the stuff. Please enlighten me.
A winter wonderland
Tiny white diamonds fall from the sky
Laying down
forming blankets
Which coat the land and trees in beauty
Hanging silently
Footsteps squeak and crunch beneath you
As you disturb its surface
Leaving a trail wherever you go
That is when you know
You can grab a handful
Make it into a ball
And throw it at your friends
If you are nicer
Grab a sled
And sail down the hillsides
An endless supply of fun
The wind can be brutal though
like standing in a freezer with an air conditioner on full blast as you taste below zero (Fahrenheit)
And when you come inside
Fingers and toes tingling and numb
Cheeks and nose kissed with blush
You will learn
Cold has a distinct smell
Which is sort of sweet