Stranger in the Mirror
You never knew what was going to come out of her mouth. She could swear like a sailor, and in the next breath belt out Amazing Grace so sweetly it could make a grown man cry. Her children didn't quite trust her. Would she spank them soundly and send them to bed, or snuggle up and read as many books as their little hearts desired?
If you asked 10 different people to describe her, you'd get 10 completely different descriptions. "She is such a kind, sweet, and patient mother." one might say. "I don't like her, never have and never will." says another. "A goofball, she always makes me laugh." the next explains. "That girl is way to serious and judgmental!" asserts another. From another mouth comes, "She is so pretty, I am jealous!" as a surprised friend says, "Really? I think she is homely!" " From the next, "Oh, her..she is such a health nut!" "A bit of an alcoholic, I believe." claims another. "She's a face painter." announces another, the next describes her as, "The beekeeper." yet another would say "She is a writer."
Sometimes, she looks in the mirror and she feels she is looking at a stranger. Who are you she asks, but the stranger just shrugs.