Elthe Kyrie
Elthe Kyrie, for we stand divided.
Come Lord and witness our shame
exposed to Thine horrified eyes.
Elthe Kyrie and spit at our hypocrisy
while our fiery words betray
our abject fears and cowardice.
Have Thine gaze feed on our souls
so diminished, so ill and misbegotten,
so tainted by our creeds that have fallen
and lie at or feet, irredeemably rotten.
See how our mind misconstrued,
how our pettiness despoiled, and
how our hatred ran rampant,
unchecked and self-effacing.
Witness, Oh Lord, who we cannot,
will not back up our actions with temperance
and will not back down in its absence...
See how we have created enemies
and demons of the Other
and refused to see how, in doing so,
we all have become
the only enemy there is.
Elthe Kyrie and cleanse this awful sin
of our rejection of Thine rule!
Give us Thine light to remind us
what is once was to be human!
Come Lord, for we need Thee
now more than ever...
Elthe Logos Kyrie...
Come Lord Reason
and leave us never.
Come Reason and guide
us all, forever.