Choices & Noises
Kids at home courtsey school break * Husband working 24×7* me too mired with some work woes*
*Festivities : Durga puja and CR park brimming with people. Bongs or Not. Pooja Pandals and cultural programs. Tireless people talking / singing on loud speakers whole day..
*to top that endless quizzing of my 5 year old twin girls ( super curious phase) * reading 3-4 letter words...telling, sketching as they attempt kathak..
*non stop phone calls..ideation and my next steps..
*Best part ending days with glass of wine and finding self in a ally mcbeal or the good wife is sort of liberating;-)
Choices - Parenting
Own firm
Not taking a holiday
Falling in love with a bengali, staying in CR park!
Subscribing to awesome TV content
And Of course wine
Noises - all of the above
Solution - embracing all choices and shutting all noises.