One Day
One day I'll look you in the eyes
and tell you to get out of my life
One day I'll tell you
how much it hurts that you abandoned us
One day I'll tell you
how much rage it filled me with
But for now I'll have uncomfortable occasional dinners with you
You're already on your third drink when we arrive
When you order another, of course I'm not surprised
One day I'll tell you
I don't want to meet you anymore
I'll tell you that you set up a path of disaster
You never knew how to be a father, you still don't
But for now I'll give you empty smiles and thank you as you use your money to attempt to gain my affection
I'll stand there as my stomach turns while you put your lips on my cheek
One day I'll tell you
I never wanted the money
I only wanted my dad
I wanted him to learn how to be my dad
But for now I'll sit back as you ask about my life
Asking things a dad should know
You just hand me more money as if that will rid you of your guilt
How could you be the first person to hurt your little girl?
That shouldn't have been you.