Mirror image
In the absence of dimensions, darkness stood still. I looked into the deep and commanded darkness to move in a loop. As he walked away from its position, light came forth and I was pleased.
As darkness spiraled across the vast space, galaxies of stars emerged and spake, the language of beautiful colors in rays. Heaven I said, shall be thy name.
Atoms to molecules solidified, with the color of light, water converged. The large body, I called Earth. Then, I baked rocks as sets on the water, so I can observe the beauty of the meadow.
I made a lining over the earth, the sky had clouds filled with air. The mighty water hosted the fishes. A garden of trees, flowers appeared. The birds and insects multiplied and grazed. Life of all kinds, animals and plants, both on land and in the water. I made them all in an ecosystem.
I sought for a shepherd to be my Knight. My image resonated, and man was made. Out of the dust, I exhaled. `Adam', is his name. A bride called Eve for his companion. Creation was complete, a day to sleep.
Universe insurgency came in play. A bite from this center tree, said the snake. Good and evil, a god remade. Hook, line and sinker, they took the bait.
Adam! Adam!
Where hath thou?
I sought thee
Yee not, I found
Oh lord! Oh Lord!
From thee, I hide
Know Yee not
Naked, I am
Cursed! Ye cursed!
Ye hath, from now
Greed and war shall plaque your kind
Eve shall scream when baby arrives.
So shall her descendants be devised
Toil! Ye toil!
Shall thou, on earth
The snakes shall bite
Beast devour
So shall it be to the end of time