Pen an absolutely REVOLTING Valentine's Day poem to someone you wish to kill (smother? maim?) with kindness. No more than ten lines, please! Evisceration and filthy, colorful language of yore are a plus. Tag me in the comments, if you wish. #myloathsomevalentine
What I’m saying vs. what I’m thinking
Now you want a compliment? I'm trying to think of one
(I hope you're the first man to land on the sun)
You're okay looking, I suppose,
(shall I compare thee to a withered rose?)
You light up the room when you enter it
(the rest of the girls swoon. I vomit)
If you asked me out, I might say yes
(If there was an apocalypse and you were the only guy left)
And not even to mention that charming personality!
(you're a manwhore at best. I'd rather date a tree.)