Fun Facts
1. Antz the movie was wrong!! All worker, soldier and queen ants are female. Males eggs are only laid near breeding time by the queen, once they have mated during the nuptial flight with the princesses they die!!! Some queens ants do not need males to breed. An unmated queen for instance will lay eggs, the first will be male, then mate with one of those...this strengthens the health of the nest. So all ants are girlies unless you see a twiddly little flying ant with a thin body (the male) the females have larger bodies.
2. Montezuma II, an Aztec emperor, drank over 50 cups of chocolate per day. Unsweetened dark chocolate is extremely good for you so get eating loads of it!
3. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter b. Whch is good bcuseae smtimes I wrte cmplete crap!
4. Baby Koala bears have to eat their mothers diarrhoea for a short time so they become immune to eating the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, which are actually toxic to them. Most of them also carry the sexual disease Chlamydia which is threatening the do you think they are sooooooo sweet and cuddly now?
5. Humans do NOT need to consume meat or dairy for protein, it is not the only source, so we have all been lied to for years and years. A lot of vegetables, grains, legumes, and algae contain protein. For instance a serving of broccoli or peanut butter contain more protein than a serving of beef.
FUN FACTS (fibs) that I told to my daughter when she was a laugh.
1. All sausages are made from dogs willies, which is why they come in different sizes.
My daughter Fawn would ask in the cinema while eating her hot dog "Mum what dog would this have come from?"...I would reply "Well something like a German Shepherd". She believed this up until she told a friend when she was 11 years old (hahaha). The bit that surprised me most of all is not that she believed it...BUT that she continued to eat them even after being told this!
2. They used to make glue from horses which is why in the old days there were a lot of three legged horses about.
3. Belly buttons make fluff!
4. If you do not wash daily down below, dogs will chase you down the street!
5. If you press your belly button you become invisible!